famous footwear

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thebadger said:
i think the creepers are killer on the b man
the best part is i met him face to face and we both had the same creepers on and were the same height-i had my1st pr. in the 80's

ok, so we may be able to figure for real how tall he is. How tall are you? (since you said you were the same height).
Babydoll said:
i'm sorry bonocomet... i think his taste in shoes is uglee.... :|

:hug: to you. :)

:D :hug:

Yes, I guess I mean what DreamOutloud13 said, I usually like them as a part of the look he's into. Those leopard shoes wouldn't be my 1st choice for him to wear to dinner with the president or something.... Then again..... Hmmmmmmmmm :hmm:
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