Awesome! Heal well.
Hi All!
I've been trying to avoid spoilers and it's hard! I am wondering though if they are switching up the setlist at all.
Vegas 2 setlist pretty much ends my attempts to find tickets for Chicago 2. While I fully don't expect U2 to trot out 25 different songs for a second night, having NOT ONE SINGLE different song for a 2nd night is beyond lazy (dropping one and changing the order of a couple others). I've been around long enough and to enough first and second shows to know U2 is not going to have MUCH variation from one night to the next, but NONE is pathetic. Compound that with a good portion of "innocence" section have been infused into the new show almost verbatim....same graphics, same sequencing, etc.
Would it really kill them to rotate a different song into the acoustical E-stage portion, or gasp....2 different ones? There is no video production/choreography locking them into specific songs.
This always puts things into perspective for me...
Green Day: New shows setlist discussion - Green Day Chat - Green Day Community
U2 (us back in the day):
Paul McCartney: Set List critique | Maccaboard
Avenged Sevenfold:
Foo Fighters:
Guns n’ Roses: Anyone tired of hearing AFD and cover songs live? - GUNS N' ROSES - DISCUSSION & NEWS - Guns N' Roses Forum
The Killers:
Red Hot Chili Peppers:
Duran Duran: The setlist |
The Rolling Stones:,2223054,page=1
Depeche Mode:
Arcade Fire:
Pearl Jam: Pearl Jam Mailed It In On Monday Night — Pearl Jam Community
Kind of easy for us to sit in our rolling chairs and be entertained by what we read, as opposed to the 10% of us that actually manage to go to two consecutive shows. But I've learned it's always going to be something! No matter what band you follow online.
Bro, dude only played for 3 1/2 hours even last time he hit 4.Yeah, I doubt the complaints on the Springsteen forum have much merit by comparison either.
Well, I imagine they have to do something different for Los Angeles, right? It's not like the only change will be shows 1 & 3 having Red Flag Day and show 2 not getting it. Right??
Yeah, I doubt the complaints on the Springsteen forum have much merit by comparison either.
Well, I imagine they have to do something different for Los Angeles, right? It's not like the only change will be shows 1 & 3 having Red Flag Day and show 2 not getting it. Right??
This always puts things into perspective for me...
Green Day: New shows setlist discussion - Green Day Chat - Green Day Community
U2 (us back in the day):
Paul McCartney: Set List critique | Maccaboard
Avenged Sevenfold:
Foo Fighters:
Guns n’ Roses: Anyone tired of hearing AFD and cover songs live? - GUNS N' ROSES - DISCUSSION & NEWS - Guns N' Roses Forum
The Killers:
Red Hot Chili Peppers:
Duran Duran: The setlist |
The Rolling Stones:,2223054,page=1
Depeche Mode:
Arcade Fire:
Pearl Jam: Pearl Jam Mailed It In On Monday Night — Pearl Jam Community
Kind of easy for us to sit in our rolling chairs and be entertained by what we read, as opposed to the 10% of us that actually manage to go to two consecutive shows. But I've learned it's always going to be something... no matter what band you follow online!
Well, I imagine they have to do something different for Los Angeles, right? It's not like the only change will be shows 1 & 3 having Red Flag Day and show 2 not getting it. Right??
That'd be impossible.
There are only 2 LA shows.
Not enough demand there despite it population.
U2 in LA
360 - 202,000
I&E - 83,000
JT - 123,000
E&I - 36,000???
Sorry man. This is just shitty. A band of U2's status should stand up to Live Nation and tell them to fuck off with 350 dollar tickets. It's embarrassing to have defended the bands ticket pricing their entire career (and rightfully so) because they always seemed to keep prices to a really reasonable, and even inexpensive, level for decades. Now, we get this bullshit.
I know they are older and probably don't want to play as many multiple nights. I get it. But it still pisses me off.
And then to do that PLUS not taking the extra effort to give us some real setlist innovation just leaves a sour taste in my mouth.
I don't disagree that the pricing is silly and restrictive. In fairness, you can pickup lower bowl tickets for Chicago 2 for $106 within 12-15 rows off the floor (after initially being on sale for 325. U2 has also been reasonable with it's GA floor tickets providing long tenured fans access via the fan club at a price point not to common with other artist for getting that close to the stage.
This always puts things into perspective for me...
Green Day: New shows setlist discussion - Green Day Chat - Green Day Community
U2 (us back in the day):
Paul McCartney: Set List critique | Maccaboard
Avenged Sevenfold:
Foo Fighters:
Guns n’ Roses: Anyone tired of hearing AFD and cover songs live? - GUNS N' ROSES - DISCUSSION & NEWS - Guns N' Roses Forum
The Killers:
Red Hot Chili Peppers:
Duran Duran: The setlist |
The Rolling Stones:,2223054,page=1
Depeche Mode:
Arcade Fire:
Pearl Jam: Pearl Jam Mailed It In On Monday Night — Pearl Jam Community
Kind of easy for us to sit in our rolling chairs and be entertained by what we read, as opposed to the 10% of us that actually manage to go to two consecutive shows. But I've learned it's always going to be something... no matter what band you follow online!
U2 in LA
360 - 202,000
I&E - 83,000
JT - 123,000
E&I - 36,000???
Sorry man. This is just shitty. A band of U2's status should stand up to Live Nation and tell them to fuck off with 350 dollar tickets. It's embarrassing to have defended the bands ticket pricing their entire career (and rightfully so) because they always seemed to keep prices to a really reasonable, and even inexpensive, level for decades. Now, we get this bullshit.
I know they are older and probably don't want to play as many multiple nights. I get it. But it still pisses me off.
And then to do that PLUS not taking the extra effort to give us some real setlist innovation just leaves a sour taste in my mouth.
I went into the Vegas shows completely spoiler-free. Here are the thoughts that went through my mind during the shows.
Night one (upper level):
--First act: The sound is not great up here. And this is way more similar to the I&E shows than I expected. I appreciate them steering away from the "all the hits!!!1" approach, but couldn't, for example, Gone have replaced UTEOTW?
--Second act: Acrobat?!? (my jaw dropped)
--End: Wow, they didn't play Streets or WOWY. I don't mind, but damn.
--Walking out: The forum must be discussing the set list ad nauseam. Time to pile on!
Night two (GA):
--The sound is better down here. Guess I'll shut up, have a beer, and enjoy the show.
What was this place like when the Acrobat rehearsals leaked? I've got to go back and dig those posts up.
Also, the "it's always going to be something" complaint about the complaints has to be the laziest way to dismiss a discussion as if none of it could possibly be valid.
And for the most part, we're not exactly that bad off. We still have all four band members still alive and touring regularly. We get 20-25 songs a night for 2+ hours when others get maybe 18 over 110 minutes. 5-11 "new" songs as opposed to 1 or 2? Pretty nice, huh? Discussion on what to play is fine and all. But seeing some call it "dumb" or "pathetic" or "lame" or an exception to what everyone else does? Could be a lot worse, I'd think. We have it pretty good aside from little details that differ among each of us.
Respectfully Ax, I wasn't trying to dismiss anyone's opinion by posting that (and if that's what it comes across as, it was hardly my intention). My point was showing that the discussions among other fanbases is relatively the same when it comes down to it. If they're used to reading the same songs every night, they'll throw out suggestions or say how they're tired of the "same songs", even though it's more or less the same thing no matter what band you follow that closely. I'm sure in most of those forums, we'd be the "casual fan" that's talked down upon in those parts... but it's just interesting to see how a lot of those places are kind of like this one, just with different song titles or members being mentioned. I read enough of them as of late that it does kind of repeat itself. And like I said before, I think, it's even kind of the same for people that follow TV shows or movies and similar areas.
Most opinions are fine and make for great discussion. It'd be really boring if it was otherwise, you know? I just get a kick out of how stuff happens like Acrobat getting played consistently or Joshua Tree songs finally get dropped for multiple shows , and then the discussion shifts to something different altogether. That's mostly what I mean when I said "it's always something"... once we got over the excitement of something, the discussion shifted again on what was right and what was wrong. Which it usually does anyway. Suddenly these other songs are the wrong songs to play, or fans get mad for the billionth time about how a band "only" shifts one or two songs a night... despite the fact that most people commenting on these things might only attend a show or two or maybe listen to a bootleg or two from any given tour leg, much less actually see a second show in a row. That includes me, btw!
On a few of those forums, there's also people that are basically your equivalent and follow set lists or whatever's played closely enough to give interesting insights on it - which is great, for what it's worth. And on the other end, there's always people who call the bands "lazy" or "dumb" just because they're reading about the same set list every night (which, if anything, is what might irritate me a tad more than whatever else). Like I said, it's a lot of the same... which is mostly what I was trying to point out there. It's just interesting to get that perspective and see ways we might have it alright... or not, in some eyes.
And for the most part, we're not exactly that bad off. We still have all four band members still alive and touring regularly. We get 20-25 songs a night for 2+ hours when others get maybe 18 over 110 minutes. 5-11 "new" songs as opposed to 1 or 2? Pretty nice, huh? Discussion on what to play is fine and all. But seeing some call it "dumb" or "pathetic" or "lame" or an exception to what everyone else does? Could be a lot worse, I'd think. We have it pretty good aside from little details that differ among each of us.
And for the most part, we're not exactly that bad off. We still have all four band members still alive and touring regularly. We get 20-25 songs a night for 2+ hours when others get maybe 18 over 110 minutes. 5-11 "new" songs as opposed to 1 or 2? Pretty nice, huh? Discussion on what to play is fine and all. But seeing some call it "dumb" or "pathetic" or "lame" or an exception to what everyone else does? Could be a lot worse, I'd think. We have it pretty good aside from little details that differ among each of us.