Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
For a band that has always insisted on playing 360, they have never done a good job of playing to the crowd behind the stage.
For a band that has always insisted on playing 360, they have never done a good job of playing to the crowd behind the stage.
I saw Bruce Springsteen in 2008 (which I just realized was 10 years ago!! Holy fucking shit!!!!). We sat behind the stage, and he and other members of the band spent a good amount of time playing to us. I didn't feel robbed at all. Same with Garth Brooks.
But U2 have never done that. Bono maybe walks past 2 times, Edge and Adam maybe once. Larry gives an expressionless wave. I sat behind the stage at an elevation show, and it wasn't awful. Interesting point of view and all that, and you're actually pretty close for not much money. But I would never sit rear stage, upper level. You're not even at a concert at that point, you're just watching people watch a concert.
They're taking the lyrics of who's gonna ride your wild horses a little too literally
Because like 10% of the audience is back there, and 90% the other way?What would be so hard about turning the drum set around, and the whole band playing to the crowd behind the stage for a few songs? I know, they sorta did this on 360 for 1 song. I mean, those people paid good money too... I really don't get it.
I took the plunge today...
Going to the 2nd Vegas show for sure. Section 2 farthest side to the screen. Should easily see screen and hear the band (IE was a loud show!!). Not bad for $130
Good job! Sounds like a blast. U2 in Vegas x2... You're living the dream! Stay in a nice strip hotel, enjoy the pool, relax, then back to U2. Jealous!
Madrid is getting 2 shows, according to U2Valencia. September 20th and 21st at WiZink Center.
European dates rumored to be announced next Tuesday, the 16th. Just a heads up.
Also because it's U2ValenciaImpossible because Raphael is playing there on the 22.09
Are they really gonna take 2 months off between N.A. and Europe???