Embarassing review (for him)

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yea i emailed the guy tellin him what i thought of his 'review'

fair enough if you dont like the songs but hes just gettin giddy slatin' bono for no reason
I think this person's view of the actual music is a bnit distorted by their disgust at the ipod ad. And I can understand that. I love U2's music, and love that they're offering their entire catalog online for so cheap. But if you'd told me 20 years ago that Bono would be pitching Apple computers today, I (and Bono too) would have said you're crazy.
Al the time it be very easy that the media
break down the famous person and now who
is the more famous than Bono. How many times we see
photos of him with the Bush and Chriac and Madonna.
To many people who write in media get jealous
as they also want fame and they do not get so much
now do they get much money as the big star.
I'm gonna say a predicatable thing here, (predicatable for me) but some of his sentiments are correct. I don't agree they have been on the slide since Zooropa, more like since POP....this quote rings true to me -
"This isn't to say that songs such as "Miracle Drug" and "Sometimes You Can't Make It on Your Own" -- both resonant of the brilliant "One" -- or "City of Blinding Lights" and "Crumbs From Your Table" -- heavy on "The Joshua Tree" influences -- are devoid of charms. They're just uninspired recreations and inferior simulations of the genuine achievements that preceded them."

I have to say I agree with that.:(
it's just sad that reviewers think their personal opinions of performers are more important than a review of the music itself. bono being bono doesn't change the fact that this is a strong album, in many ways stronger than the last, which was also a good album.

Then again, people like what they like, and that's okay, but personal attacks are uncalled for.
The review is just dumb and the reviewer is obviously an asshole and even though adding those jokes at the end was a cheap shot that shows his dislike and envy towards U2 you have to admit that they are funny. As is this review, I see it as one of those jokes.
What a load of crap this review is. The man doesn't know U2 or Bono. If he did, he would realize the ridiculous of this quote in particular:

This experience led him to once again ponder heavy issues such as birth, death, war, peace and the existence of the Almighty, via the album's closer and its pretentious nadir, "Yahweh."

"Yahweh" isn't about "pondering the existence of God". It's a "prayer to God". When has Bono ever "pondered the existence of God"? Bono has written songs that deal with doubts about things God allows or even about how Bono himself fits into God's plans, but God has always been as real to Bono as the nose on his face. There's no "pondering the existence" of God as far as Bono is concerned.

It also cheeses me that this dude is on Bono's back for the IPOD ads. Why? Why are people harder on celebrities when they try to promote themselves than on non-celebrities trying to promote themselves? Why is it wrong to try to sell more albums? That's ridiculous.
Yeah, i was just gonna say that, 80sU2isBest!

What´s wrong with having a lot of money???


Atleast bono is trying to make a difference in the world, what
good has that critic done??
Bono has certainly made my life better :up:
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