Elevation makes me a bad, dangerous driver!

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Jul 30, 2000
Porto Alegre/Brasil
Yup, it?s true. When I?m driving on the streets of this city fool of cars and Elevation pops in I start driving faster and doing things I usually don?t do in the traffic, some risky movements and zigzags, LOL, sorry, I don?t know the right words for what I?m trying to describe...but I think you got it. Normally I?m a careful driver but I?m compelled to have bad manners only because of this damn song! I blame U2 for that, LOL

I was wondering if such weird phenomenon has happened to someone else here...

"To me a rock and roll concert is 3-D, it?s a physical thing - it?s rhythm for the body. It?s a mental thing in that it should be intellectually challenging. But it?s also a spiritual thing, because it?s a community, it?s people agreeing on something, even if it?s only for an hour and a half." (Bono, as quoted in the book U2 The Road to Pop)
only AC/DC influences my driving style

Shake it, shake it, shake it

Kind of the same thimg happens to me. But maybe not that I drive worse but I pay less attention, more like I'm alone on the streets. I get so caught up in the music and sings out loud that I don't see or hear anything else around me.

Not good....

"U2 on it?s own is a very interesting group and all. But U2 with it?s audience is a culture" - Bono

Pictures from Copenhagen (shirtless ones), London and Dublin, Slane.
The good news is that I don't have a car in this fine city of NYC so no driving for me. And now that I know of this phenomenon I won't be taking my CD on the train with me and singing out loud while people stare wondering what the hell is wrong with me. Actually, it may not be that bad considering people singing to the songs on their headphones is a common problem here.
LOL sharky, sometimes it happens with me as well..while walking with my earphones on.

Guys, what I told you it?s true, Elevation is a dangerous song, I should forbid myself to hear that one while driving, LOL

Okay, gotta go back to work, another 5 minutes driving, enough time to listen to...ELEVATION again
Watch out!
I had an accident with my car while listening to "Beautiful Day" earlier this year. Whoops...

"I don't know you,
But you don't know the half of it..."

[This message has been edited by cass (edited 12-29-2001).]
Originally posted by follower:
sorry, I don?t know the right words for what I?m trying to describe

I propose inventing a word for it. And since it was my idea, I'll call the word "Elevationitis"! Yes indeed, many of us drivers suffer from acute Elevationitis, and the only cure is a generous helping of ATYCLB. Mmmmmm....... ATYCLB...... good stuff.

Change is the only constant
Originally posted by Foxxern:
I propose inventing a word for it. And since it was my idea, I'll call the word "Elevationitis"! Yes indeed, many of us drivers suffer from acute Elevationitis, and the only cure is a generous helping of ATYCLB. Mmmmmm....... ATYCLB...... good stuff.

I think I have this! So now I have identified the problem and there is a cure too! Great! And such a nice cure!

"A Bono approved event is a good event!"

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"The way to be optimistic is not to shut your eyes and close your ears." -Bono

Create Light, Create Unity, Create Joy, CREATE PEACE!
sharky, u are very cool
just thought Id share

follower darling, as long as you dont stop singing when you come to traffic lights, all is fine and dandy.
Nothing better than scaring the shit out of a fellow drivers.
it's lucky for the rest of the world i don't have a cd player in my car, else i'd be a danger to society as well.

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Happy Holidays!

"And I wear gray underwear." -Bono


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