ELEVATION DVD for preorder at Amazon.com

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Aug 7, 2000
Illinois, USA
Looks like Amazon.com is on top of things, listing Elevation Tour 2001: U2 Live I at a price of USD $22.46 and with a scheduled release of December 4, 2001. This is a bit later than a previous rumor of November 20, but still not too far off. This isn't a guaranteed release date (remember the Popmart Mexico City and Best Of 1980-1990 DVDs?), but it looks like almost a sure thing.

The only weird thing is that the entire description is in French. I have no idea why that is. Luckily I can translate most of it. Features will include:

Disc 1:
The concert
The making of (not sure of what)

Disc 2:
The best moments of the concert, as captured through other cameras
Live performances of BD, Stuck, and Elevation
Something about Popmart and ZooTV, again not sure what

Change is the only constant
Thanks for the heads up Foxxern!

Now all I got to do is wait for another Month or so to have this baby in hand!! Can't wait!
And there will also be some DVD-ROM content, with links to sites of U2 and Greenpeace and Amnesty. I'm pleasantly surprised by the inclusion of the latter two. Again, U2 shows they are not only caring about the fans and themselves, but also about the world.

(Oh, and what I can make up, there will also be screensavers on the DVD)

C ya!

Marty (Voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir - the only French he knows!)

People criticize me but I know it's not the end
I try to kick the truth, not just to make friends

Spearhead - People In Tha Middle

For all those who missed it and are interested.

Change is the only constant
Cool! ALthough December 4th? arg... tooo... far... away...

I will be waiting eagerly.

I like the U2 Live I thing, just because it raises the possibility of a U2 Live II and III or possibly IV and LXIV.

how was chicago?
Originally posted by SkeeK:
Cool! ALthough December 4th? arg... tooo... far... away...

I will be waiting eagerly.

I like the U2 Live I thing, just because it raises the possibility of a U2 Live II and III or possibly IV and LXIV.

how was chicago?

I was just thinking the same thing. They might bring us at least one more in the future.

Chicago kicked ass! We arrived at 12:30 to find a long line, and dashing our hopes of getting to the heart. But after 6 hours out there in the bitter cold, we got in and had a blast about 4 people back from the heart, back and to the left of the tip. Another awesome U2 show! I just wish I had taken some pictures, but I wanted to focus on just the show this time.

Change is the only constant

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