Does Bono have a cousin called Bob Hewson?

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The Fly
Aug 12, 2000

Watch More TV, ITs your world you can change it, taste is the enemy of art, Every thing you know if wrong, mock the devil, and he will flee from thee
I don't know. I know his father's name was Bob.

The more of these I drink the more Bono makes sense.. - Bean from the KROQ Breakfast with U2.
My mum met this guy called Bob who apparently is Bono's cousin.

Watch More TV, ITs your world you can change it, taste is the enemy of art, Every thing you know if wrong, mock the devil, and he will flee from thee
Bono's dad has brothers, so it could be likely that one of them named a son Bob, and he would be a cousin to Bono.
My teacher used to date or is dating Bono's cousin, but she never told me his name...I was too freaked out to listen after that.


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