Well i finally got anwsers.
I went to hospital 2 months ago for two weeks and they did a number of tests to try and figure out what was wrong. My liver was inflammed which they found that out from the ultrasound but still no anwser as to what i had. I did like a MRI scan only it was on my liver cause they thought maybe the bile duct was blocked but it wasnt. After two weeks of blood tests and stuff they sent me home. By this time my body had been building up with fluid as well.
I got a letter with an appoinment to see my consultant for the 21st of November but i could hardly walk because of all the fluid so i went back to the hospital in emergency. They told me the consultant would call me the next day to move the booking. So then after he called the next day i had to go to pathology and get a blood test and then go to an eye clinic for some eye test for wilsons disease.
After the blood test i went to the eye place and the doctor was like 'Oh my god" ive never seen this before. They rang my consultant at the hospital and he wanted me to be admitted again. From the 1st of November till Wednesday last week ive been in hospital. I was diagnosed with Wilsons disease which is where the liver cant get rid of copper and then it builds up and can spread to the brain and stuff. Ive been having daily blood tests and the medicine im on makes my platlet count low so ive had to be monitored.
Theres no cure for it but its managable. I have to have tablets for the rest of my life and if i don't it will spread and then it can become really serious. Im lucky cause they caught it early. The worst thing is, is the disease is really rare. Its 1 in every 30,000 people are born with it but it doesnt come out until your 13-20.
With me living in Australia we dont have the new medicine and the one im on penicillimine has lots of side effects so i've had to fight to get it and get it through the red tape so we can get trientine which is a newer one.
Sorry that was so long lol. I'm going back to hospital tomorrow cause were still waiting on medicine and no doubt ill be admitted again.