Do you Zwinky?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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:yikes: Creepy.
I keep seeing the commercials, and they annoy me so much :scream:

Plus the fine text "free with download of toolbar" turns me off, I don't trust things like that, as they often have spyware attached.

But what is it exactly? Do you just dress up the cartoon dolls however you want, or is it more of a Habbo Hotel type thing where you chat with people? Because I always found the latter to be a little lame, and as for the former, there are plenty of less creepy sites for dressing up cartoon dolls.

I like the makeover game on Lifetime TV's website :up:
U2democrat said:
oooooooooh that. I've seen commercials for it, but I have no desire to go there. Seems like something a bunch of 14 year olds would have fun doing, no offense.

I have an urge to destroy my TV whenever I see that commercial.
First of all Chass, DO YOU EVER LISTEN WHEN I TALK TO YOU!!!!! I explained Zwinky to you like a month ago,

Second, I downloaded it for about all of ten minutes, then I saw how ridiculous it was and deleted all traces of it from my harddrive
bono_212 said:
First of all Chass, DO YOU EVER LISTEN WHEN I TALK TO YOU!!!!! I explained Zwinky to you like a month ago,

Second, I downloaded it for about all of ten minutes, then I saw how ridiculous it was and deleted all traces of it from my harddrive
Wait, you mean that time you told me about some chat thing and I asked you for a screenshot? You never told me that that was Zwinky. If you had, I would've gone: "AUGH! KILL IT WITH FIRE!" No wonder your computer hates you, you defiled it with Zwinky :tsk:
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