digital camera from ebay?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Mar 29, 2005
Outside Providence
Just wondering if anybody has bought at digital camera from ebay? I'm looking to get the canon powershot s3 and all I see is listings for bundles that include the camera with some extra stuff - memory card, case, etc. Has anyone bought any camera bundle like this from there? It's a good deal, but it also seems a little sketchy as to why it's so cheap. Should I just by the camera from best buy and get all the extras myself? Any advice is appreciated!
Can you post the listing?

I like to purchase warranties for my cameras and computers (nothing else) because I use them both everyday and they both travel with me a lot, so I don't use eBay for these things.

Good pick for a camera though!
I bought a camera from eBay with some items bundled with it. It came with a battery charger, batteries, card reader, 256MB card and a small tripod. It did save me money buying it that way.
I think I'm going to get the camera via amazon, while ebay has some good deals and the sellers have good feedback, I don't like the idea of possibly buying a camera from a greymarket place. I'd rather deal with amazon if something goes wrong.
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