Did anyone else catch U2 in tonight's "X-Files?"

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Sep 6, 2000
Georgia, USA
In tonight's episode when Agent Reyes "wakes up" and starts wandering through the hospital, she goes to the nurses station and looks at some charts (she does this twice but the FIRST time is the only time we get to see what she is looking at). She flips through them and comments that they are just jibberish. You can see on one of the pages something is written about U2. Don't know what it said because the flash of it was too quick. If anyone has it recorded, check it out and let us know what it said. Later!
Originally posted by U2ster:
In tonight's episode when Agent Reyes "wakes up" and starts wandering through the hospital, she goes to the nurses station and looks at some charts (she does this twice but the FIRST time is the only time we get to see what she is looking at). She flips through them and comments that they are just jibberish. You can see on one of the pages something is written about U2. Don't know what it said because the flash of it was too quick. If anyone has it recorded, check it out and let us know what it said. Later!

Wow, this promotion thing is getting out of hand.

[This message has been edited by Rono (edited 03-18-2002).]
I think it was just coincidence that the letters "U2" were together, as you stated, it was all jibberish because the hospital worker who created the model couldn't read...nothing on the charts was coherent.
there was a bono reference during the start of some law & order offshoot last night-i don't watch the show it was just on and i heard a character say 'i'm not that rock star who is trying to save the world' or something to that effect
Originally posted by kobayashi:
there was a bono reference during the start of some law & order offshoot last night-i don't watch the show it was just on and i heard a character say 'i'm not that rock star who is trying to save the world' or something to that effect

yeah, i saw that too! somethin' 'bout "a rock star aiding for 3rd world debt".... hehe, cool!

' I want to run
I want to hide
I want to tear down the walls
That hold me inside
I want to reach out
And touch the flame
Where the streets have no name. . .'
.:. U2: Rock's Unbreakable Heart!

Love is...cold steel/Fingers too numb to feel/Squeeze the handle/Blow out the candle
Love is blindness.../A little death/Without mourning/No call/And no warning...

[Thanks Coach P]
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