Desert Island Album Game II: RESULTS

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Vocal parasite
Jun 2, 2003
It's been a few months since we began, and after lots of good music and a whole lot of rounds, we have finally reached the end of the tournament. The quality of the tracklists was evident in just how nailbitingly close the final stages were, and with the final result still up for dispute, the tournament has been called and the most equitable outcome sought.

And the winner is ...

More to the point, the winners are:

LemonMacPhisto and U2VertigoFly!

Congratulations to both of our winners! The result of the final round was LemonMacPhisto and U2VertigoFly tied on 20-20, followed by Axver in second on 17. This means that although Lancemc missed out on a shot at the third place play-off, he nonetheless receives third place. So let's give out some imaginary medals.

1. GOLD: LemonMacPhisto and U2VertigoFly
2. SILVER: Axver
3. BRONZE: Lancemc

Congratulations to our medal winners! :applaud:

And now that we've had the popular winner, here are the critics!

The Critics' Choice Awards

These awards are determined by the competition's critics - that is, those of the Desert Island Game's 24 contestants who submitted nominations. Each critic nominated three people in order of preference for every one of the following categories. 1st place was allocated 3 points, 2nd place received 2 points, and 3rd got 1 point. The recipient of the most points receives the award.

Most Diverse Playlist

1. The winner is ... U2VertigoFly! (9 points)
=2. adrball (8)
=2. Salome (8)
=3. FitzChivalry (7)
=3. Screwtape2 (7)
Congratulations to U2VF!

Best Mood

1. The winner is ... Screwtape2! (15 points)
2. Axver (13)
3. inmyplace13 (12)
4. Lancemc (6)
=5. FitzChivalry (5)
=5. GibsonGirl (5)
Congratulations to Screwtape!

Best Flow

1. The winner is ... inmyplace13! (19 points)
2. Axver (18)
=3. Irishteen (7)
=3. Screwtape (7)
5. LemonMacPhisto (5)
Congratulations to IMP!

Best Songs

1. The winner is ... LemonMacPhisto! (9 points)
=2. FitzChivalry (8)
=2. U2VertigoFly (8)
4. Lancemc (7)
=5. inmyplace13 (5)
=5. Irishteen (5)
=5. Lemonchick (5)
Congratulations to LMP!

Most Unique Playlist

1. The winner is ... Screwtape2! (14 points)
2. Liamcool (11)
3. Axver (9)
4. adrball (7)
5. Salome (6)
Congratulations to Screwtape!

Most Creative Playlist

1. The winner is ... Screwtape2 (17 points)
2. Axver (14)
3. inmyplace13 (13)
=4. adrball (3)
=4. FitzChivalry (3)
=4. Salome (3)
Congratulations - again - to Screwtape!

And now for the biggest award ... drumroll ... dun dun DUN!

Best Playlist!

1. Aaaand the winner is ... Axver! (14 points)
2. Lancemc (9)
3. Screwtape2 (8)
=4. GibsonGirl (7)
=4. inmyplace13 (7)
=4. Irishteen (7)
Congratulations to ... me!

If you'd like to know how you did for any category, ask in the thread. :)

And now for some fun facts from the voting:

* Every contestant was nominated in at least one event.
* Four people were nominated for every award (GibsonGirl, inmyplace13, Lemonchick, Screwtape2).
*19 of the 24 contestants were nominated for Best Songs.
*15 of the 24 contestants were nominated for Best Playlist.

Well, that's about it, folks. It's been a great and very competitive tournament, and a third installment of the full game will be coming in the Northern summer/Southern winter. But for now ...

UP NEXT: Prog Island mini-tournament!

Thats great!

Congrats all, I really enjoyed all the music.

Thank you to the people who've been organizing this. I would assume that was Axver but if I am missing out on anyone, please accept my apologies and understand that I really enjoyed voting, listening and inching up on my seat every time a tie was called.

Keep us updated on the next one!
I came absolutely nowhere for anything:sad:....I need to do some strategising for the next competition proper:hmm:

The Critic Awards are quite interesting...a good bit different from the competition overall...looks like Screwtape should have made the final at least anyway, taking almost half the awards....
Some of the results were very interesting none more than the Best Playlist category. Only one of the finalists in the top 5 of that category and yet the other two were at the top of the best songs category which sort of seems like a contradiction. :scratch: Looking at the results, it's kind of surprising that IMP and GG didn't go further.

Congratulations to U2VF and LMP as well as the award winners. :applaud:
Screwtape2 said:
Some of the results were very interesting none more than the Best Playlist category. Only one of the finalists in the top 5 of that category and yet the other two were at the top of the best songs category which sort of seems like a contradiction. :scratch: Looking at the results, it's kind of surprising that IMP and GG didn't go further.

Yeah, when I was looking at the results for the first time, I was really stunned to see I had come in first. Going by the pattern that had been established, I was expecting to be second or third. I certainly didn't expect a five point victory.

I think IMP would've made it much further had he not encountered LMP so early. He was the victim of a bad draw. In contrast, I honestly felt I had been the fortunate recipient of a good draw until the critics gave me Best Playlist.

Tarvark said:
Thank you to the people who've been organizing this. I would assume that was Axver but if I am missing out on anyone, please accept my apologies and understand that I really enjoyed voting, listening and inching up on my seat every time a tie was called.

Although I did most of the threads, there are some other important people who deserve credit:

Screwtape, who did a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff and was a big help when it came to interpreting rules - or trying to establish a new precedent! The game wouldn't have run nearly as well as it did without him and I definitely intend to collaborate with him again on future editions of the tournament.

LMP, for initiating this edition of the tournament in the first place.

The people who made rounds when I was not around Interference.

The last few rounds really reminded me why I have run so many Interference tournaments in the past and enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to the Prog Island and the third edition of the full tournament.
Axver said:

Screwtape, who did a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff and was a big help when it came to interpreting rules - or trying to establish a new precedent! The game wouldn't have run nearly as well as it did without him and I definitely intend to collaborate with him again on future editions of the tournament.

We're like John and Paul except we don't fight and we actually speak to each other. Which begs the question, who is our Yoko Ono? :shifty: :hmm: :shifty:
Screwtape2 said:
Some of the results were very interesting none more than the Best Playlist category. Only one of the finalists in the top 5 of that category and yet the other two were at the top of the best songs category which sort of seems like a contradiction. :scratch: Looking at the results, it's kind of surprising that IMP and GG didn't go further.

That's how these things work..."critics" think differently than the rest of the populous. It's why Nickelback, Hinder, and Linkin Park have jobs while Radiohead is currently indie. :shrug:

IMP and Gibby deserved better than they got, that's all I have to say.
LemonMelon said:

That's how these things work..."critics" think differently than the rest of the populous. It's why Nickelback, Hinder, and Linkin Park have jobs while Radiohead is currently indie. :shrug:

You'd think with these "critics" representing a 1/3 to half the vote that they'd be the populous. :shrug:

:shh: It's sort of hard to be in the mainstream when fans have been waiting for the next album longer than a U2 album. :wink:
LemonMelon said:

That's how these things work..."critics" think differently than the rest of the populous. It's why Nickelback, Hinder, and Linkin Park have jobs while Radiohead is currently indie. :shrug:

IMP and Gibby deserved better than they got, that's all I have to say.

Aw, shucks. Tanks, guys.

Although Best Flow seems more like an award for my urinary tract than my playlist, I'm still glad to have won it.
Well done to all the winners! :up: And cheers to everyone who organised it - you all did a great job.

I can't wait for the prog desert island. :love:
Screwtape2 said:

We're like John and Paul except we don't fight and we actually speak to each other. Which begs the question, who is our Yoko Ono? :shifty: :hmm: :shifty:

:lol: Maybe, then, we're more like Bono and Edge. So who's our Larry to come in and say "woah, woah, woah, this Prog Island is horrible"? :wink:

Disclaimer: I am not Bono.
Axver said:

:lol: Maybe, then, we're more like Bono and Edge. So who's our Larry to come in and say "woah, woah, woah, this Prog Island is horrible"? :wink:

Disclaimer: I am not Bono.

I think the Prog Island will have everyone on their knees kneeling to the greatness of the music just like in the days of punk rock. Oh did mention its effect on Africa? :wink:

So when do you want to post the official rules for the Prog Island?
Screwtape2 said:

I think the Prog Island will have everyone on their knees kneeling to the greatness of the music just like in the days of punk rock. Oh did mention its effect on Africa? :wink:

So when do you want to post the official rules for the Prog Island?

Hey, I'm on fire over here! Why do you just keep talking about kneeling and Africa? :tsk:

I was thinking of letting this thread have the usual two days treatment before bringing in the Prog Island intro and rules thread. However, I might be busy all of tomorrow and I'd rather have it up sooner than later, so it may go up late tonight (it's lunchtime here at the moment).
Axver said:

Hey, I'm on fire over here! Why do you just keep talking about kneeling and Africa? :tsk:

I was thinking of letting this thread have the usual two days treatment before bringing in the Prog Island intro and rules thread. However, I might be busy all of tomorrow and I'd rather have it up sooner than later, so it may go up late tonight (it's lunchtime here at the moment).

:tsk: I keep telling you to mention Mercy in front of Larry so that his cold, dark eyes can extinguish that fire. As for Africa and kneeling, you know what years of mullets and PLEBAn's can do to a person. :reject:

Okay, that sounds great. I can't wait for it to start. :hyper:
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