delilah, anybody?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
inmyplace13 said:
I can say with absolute confidence that this is indeed one of the worst songs I've ever heard.

ever? really? ever?


I could name 500 songs worse than this one.
So let me get this straight. You people like that barf-tastic Rhianna ella ella ay ay song but not this one? Okkkay....
Zootlesque said:
Caught this on Vh1 one morning and kinda liked the melody. Did a little research on the band, Plain White T's and they're listed as emo/pop punk. But this song is more like mellow acoustic rock. I can see how it could get somewhat annoying after several listens but it's still a simple, heartfelt, really pretty love song. I believe it was the most downloaded song on itunes for a couple of weeks this month. Why only now? The album came out in 2005 it seems.
is there anything you don't like :mad:

oh and for the record, i didn't like any of the music off garden state either. the movie was good, but the music? :yuck:

i've never even heard this song actually but just reading the descriptions tells me i won't. plus, if it's overplayed then it's all over. why does radio feel the need to play a song they've fallen in love with (basically, the record label has paid top dollah) every 15 minutes? no one can possibly like a song that much. even when i'm obsessed with a song, i don't play it that often every day for months! geez. it's exactly why i don't listen to fm radio anymore.
unico, I was only addressing the people that were praising the Rhianna song. Sorry if it seemed like I was addressing every single post.

KhanadaRhodes said:
is there anything you don't like :mad:

how you can't dismantle an atomic behind.

KhanadaRhodes said:
i've never even heard this song actually but just reading the descriptions tells me i won't. plus, if it's overplayed then it's all over. why does radio feel the need to play a song they've fallen in love with (basically, the record label has paid top dollah) every 15 minutes? no one can possibly like a song that much. even when i'm obsessed with a song, i don't play it that often every day for months! geez. it's exactly why i don't listen to fm radio anymore.

This is exactly what I was talking about earlier. Without even listening to the song, how can you make a decision? Plus if radio overplays the heck out of it, is that the song or singer's fault? There are a number of songs I'm bored with because of radio overplay. But I won't say I hate those songs just cos of that!

The funny thing is all I said was I kinda like this song and geez! what a scene everyone's creating! I guess "popular on the radio" automatically = BAD :corn:

And frankly, I'm already in the "getting annoyed" stage that Dusty was talking about. That chorus does get a bit grating after a few listens.
i seriously can not stand this song.
even if it wasnt overplayed.


and totally sucking.
Bonos_Lemon said:
The thing that gets me about this song is that they play it on the supposedly non-pop alternative rock station. I just can't avoid it! :(

That's the thing, evvvvvvery radio station feels like they can play it. Even oldies stations. You really can't avoid it. My dear friend Ethel on XM radio has been overtaken by this song, and that makes me sad.

The fact that it's a song that grates on you after repeated listening is what makes it widely hated, not because its "popular and on the radio." Chasing Cars was all over the radio yet I still like that song.
Originally posted by Zootlesque
This is exactly what I was talking about earlier. Without even listening to the song, how can you make a decision? Plus if radio overplays the heck out of it, is that the song or singer's fault? There are a number of songs I'm bored with because of radio overplay. But I won't say I hate those songs just cos of that!

The funny thing is all I said was I kinda like this song and geez! what a scene everyone's creating! I guess "popular on the radio" automatically = BAD :corn:

Sorry Zootles, but I detested this song the first time that I heard it, and radio certainly has done nothing to mitigate those feelings. It just strikes me as the latest in a string of acoustic ballads that are little more than pastiches of "Yesterday."
Zootlesque said:
how you can't dismantle an atomic behind.
:lol: you win!

This is exactly what I was talking about earlier. Without even listening to the song, how can you make a decision? Plus if radio overplays the heck out of it, is that the song or singer's fault? There are a number of songs I'm bored with because of radio overplay. But I won't say I hate those songs just cos of that!
oh, i wasn't saying i hate it or anything, i was just saying based on the descriptions in this thread i doubted i'd like it.

and plus, if it's worse than chasing cars like atomicbono said, then yeah, i'm sure i'd hate it :yuck:

but ultimately i've never listened to it and probably never will (ooh look at me i'm so indie and trendy i don't listen to the radio) so i don't know. maybe i'll listen to the free preview on itunes or something.
In Zoots' defense, I saw Plain White T's and The Academy The Warehouse, a local venue, 500 ish people, 2 years ago. The band is very good live, and Hey There Delilah is beautiful live as well. I have no idea why in the hell it's getting played now...but so goes radio. I don't listen to the radio, so I don't know exactly how overplayed it is...but I'm assuming it's a lot. The song is good, in small doses. And, I do like it better than Chasing Cars :lol:
KhanadaRhodes said:

and plus, if it's worse than chasing cars like atomicbono said, then yeah, i'm sure i'd hate it :yuck:

no, I said it was better than Chasing Cars :wink:

Honestly I avoid radio and don't watch much TV so I had never heard the song in its entirety...therefore never got tired of it... :shrug: i still like it.
When will this song die?

I keep offering my friends some Nick Drake, Paul Simon, and Cat Stevens so they can listen to some real acoustically-awesome ballads.

Fuckin' Hey There Delilah...
LemonMacPhisto said:

I keep offering my friends some Nick Drake, Paul Simon, and Cat Stevens so they can listen to some real acoustically-awesome ballads.

:uhoh: That's like saying "Having your finger nails ripped out sucks. Here, let me drill into your tooth until I hit the nerve - you'll love it."
AtomicBono said:
see I don't see how anyone could say this is the worst song ever when Fergie exists :wink:

hey now. that blanket/schoolyard song is nice :cute:

see, any song can have defenders.
AtomicBono said:

My mom said she likes that song.

I almost cried, thinking that I may have such tastes somewhere in my genes, but I held it in. :sad:
LemonMelon said:

My mom said she likes that song.

I almost cried, thinking that I may have such tastes somewhere in my genes, but I held it in. :sad:

:hug: I am sorry


(I really like that song. Not The Reason though. that song makes me want to throw kittens against a wall full of rusty nails)
snowbunny00774 said:
see, any song can have defenders.

Exactly! Thank you. That is the moral of the story.

It would be pointless for me to rate a rhianna umber-ella thread 1 star just cos I don't like it. :wink:

:hi5: to atomic bono and kayla!
LemonMelon said:

My mom said she likes that song.

I almost cried, thinking that I may have such tastes somewhere in my genes, but I held it in. :sad:

My mom frickin' loves that song ("The Reason"). She almost cries every time it comes on the radio. It must be a mom thing:|
Upon hearing this, I attempted 17 different songs in a row at high volume in an attempt to forget its sound.

The best cure was Standy By Me by U2 with Springsteen live in Philly on the JT Tour.
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