Creepy coincidence

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Blue Crack Addict
Aug 21, 2004
England by way of 'Murica.
As I was watching "Deliverance" this weekend I realized I had a very similar (though non violent) experience to that move.
Like in the movie, I've been canoeing out on a river in the middle of nowhere in the mountains of Kentucky. It was eerie. I'm so glad I hadn't seen that movie before i went on the canoeing trip.

Anybody else had odd experiences similar to movies?
nah, they just look over my shoulder as i type:wink:

who saw that movie ohhhhh crap i forgot the name of it!:madspit: :mad:

its the one with robert deniro, greg kinnear and rebecca romeijn stamos where they clone the dead kid and it gets really creepy....

that movie freaked me out so bad, so did final destination2. that was the grossest movie ever *gag*
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