cleveland soundboard is awesome

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Mike P

Jul 16, 2000
Originally posted by artinis1:
are there any other
shows out there that are comparable to
this show

Yep. The 3 New York shows from the 3rd leg, and the Providence shows are as good (or damn close). Plus, I think that the performances were better at these shows.


My U2 Bootleg Archive
The Cleveland soundboard is great quality! Too bad the show lacks something. Download MSG, they rock and the quality is comparable. Notre Dame is also pretty good quality and the quicked ass!

"It's no secret that our world is in darkness tonight..."
Are the MSG 3rd leg shows soundboards? I had not heard that soundboards had surfaced of those shows already?
Originally posted by Blue Room:
Are the MSG 3rd leg shows soundboards? I had not heard that soundboards had surfaced of those shows already?

No, they are not soundboards but are exceptionally good audience recordings. At least the 26th is anyway. Better show than Cleveland too.

"It's no secret that our world is in darkness tonight..."
Comparing Cleveland with MSG #1, the only distinct difference in quality is that the audience is louder in the MSG show.

All of the MSG's are amazing.

Download them here


My U2 Bootleg Archive
from nick,
i just got this and all i can say
it is incredible, i had my friend
copy the audio from the dvd to cdr
and i really think the cleveland
board sounds better, are there any other
shows out there that are comparable to
this show because i have to have them
this sounds so good you would think
u2 put it out
I agree!!

I'ts pretty damn cool.. and I have the mp3s I just need to burn em.. but I'm lazy..


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