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LarryMullen's POPAngel

Blue Crack Distributor
Jun 21, 2001
I'll be up with the sun, I'm not coming down...
I need advice on meeting at least one of the guys (*ahem-Larry-ahem*) when She ls Raging and I get down to Chi-town next month!!! Any advice is welcome, and one question I need to ask is:

How the hell did some of you lucky ladies get them to take a picture with you? I'd be so nervous I'd try and take a pic and end up with one of my feet!! lol


PS-Any helpers on this mission would be very much appreciated also!!

"Enough of this video bullshit, I'm going to give you some culture. Know what I mean?" -Larry

Um, yeah, what she just said!! We're gonna find that boy if it takes us all night!!

nudie magazine day!
You guys are going to Chicago? Awesome- if everything works out I should be there too! Anyway, I "met" Larry and saw Bono before the Milwaukee show in May. They came out before sound check. Bono was behind a gate, so I couldn't really see him because of all the people crowding around. Larry pulled up in a car, got out, and signed autographs and took pictures with anyone who wanted one. I was too nervous to ask him for a picture (I'm still kicking myself for that one), but my friend got our tickets signed.

Anyway, soundcheck seems to be around 3:45 or 4:00, so if you go around to where the buses/trucks/cars/etc pull in there's probably a good chance that one of the boys will come over to sign autographs and take pics. In terms of how to get a pic with them, you simply have to ask (harder than it sounds

Also, some people have met them after the shows and at their hotel. I don't have any experience with that, but I'm sure someone else will be able to give good advice. Good luck with the Larry hunting!

"We miss our lemon, I'd just like to say that." - Bono 5/9/01

[This message has been edited by Giant Lemon (edited 09-19-2001).]
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