Captipon this pic!!!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Jul 26, 2000
right underneath the north pole
OK boy & girls, caption it


Action-Packed Mentallist

"The bass player's got it. The bass player's fucking got it." Bono, Boston 6-9-01

Dallas, (who is really richard gere in disguise): "Heh heh heh, if I tie Edge's shoes so that he will fall down and break his arm, then I yes I will don the beanie and take his place as guitarist for U2!!!! Muuuaaaah hhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaa! It's the perfect crime.

Dallas: Okay Edge this is the LAST time I'm showing you this...Are you paying attention? 'Cause from now on you have to tie your shoes by yourself like a big boy...Okay. First make a bunny ear with the left, a bunny ear with the right and then cross the bunny ears together and under aaaaaaaaand THROUGH!!!

[This message has been edited by blueeyes (edited 10-17-2001).]
Originally posted by AM:
OK boy & girls, caption it


*grumble* Tune the guitar. Tie the shoe. WTF is next...spoon feed the rockstar??? Eesh!

Member of Larry's Stick Keepers Association. "It's all about drums."

"What's with all the glitter? I thought you didn't like our mirrorball lemon and shit. Well it's too late to change your mind now." -- Bono, Indianapolis, May 10, 2001

When you stop taking chances, you'll stay where you sit, you won't live any longer, but it'll feel like it --- Summer Rain
Originally posted by AM:
OK boy & girls, caption it


Dallas: Yes I bow down before you oh great guitar God..I will tie your shoe...

Edge: No Dallas, you're not getting another raise

Dallas: Fine tie your own shoes then!

Edge: Oh shite,....Bono....

The U2 revolution has been reinstated.

THE Larry Mullen Jr. Page

"I am a sexy mofo, what can I say?" --What Larry really says to himself when he looks into the mirror every morning
Originally posted by AM:
OK boy & girls, caption it


Dallas: Edge, I really think that "Gucci rolling" your pants went out of style in 1989, but if you say so...
AHHHHHHH!!!! he's wearing my "Edge Shoes"! yay!

oh, that's not my caption, btw. it's just a personal statement.


"I'm just trying to find a decent melody
A song that I can sing in my own company"
Dallas: "Edge man you gotta get that shoe off"
Edge: "Eh? why so Dal?"
Dallas: "Bono made it to 10 pages now in the PLEBA elevated thread you're well behind"
Edge : "Great idea Dallas quick lets shove it down me kecks and shoot some photos"
who wants to tie my shoes when I?m rich and famous

Action-Packed Mentallist

"The bass player's got it. The bass player's fucking got it." Bono, Boston 6-9-01

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