Calling Julie Krick!!!

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Elvis' Naughty Angel
Jan 10, 2001
not here
Hey girl! I hope I spelled yer name right! Anyway, just thought you'd like to know that yer song is up in mp3 at!!! Go and get the souvenir of a lifetime!!! Yay for Julie!!

(In case some of you are wondering what I am talking about... Julie played guitar to People Get Ready on stage in Vegas)...

"It's no secret that our world is in darkness tonight..."

[This message has been edited by Angel (edited 11-29-2001).]
LOL you're cute girl.


Ima go download it anyways.
Wow! I just downloaded it ahhhhhhh it brings back memories! That was so awesome and made me laugh all over again that Bono sang about Julie's sandles and fly shades.

Hahahhaa.. hey and the end is not cut off for me, in fact theres the bit of him talking before New York.
Hey Sicyc, it won't let me download 'Bad/Wild Horses'. Have you had prboblems? Anyway... yeah, 'People Get Ready' is all there, must have been problems with the server last night, 'cause 'Wild Honey' was cut off. I sure hopt they put the whole show up 'cause the quality is goood!

"It's no secret that our world is in darkness tonight..."
KRYK!! Sorry girl. I knew I had spelt it wrong.
Doh! So glad you got a copy. Waaaay too cool a souvenir to have.

"It's no secret that our world is in darkness tonight..."

[This message has been edited by Angel (edited 11-30-2001).]

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