Boy I wish they still thought like this?

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LOL! I guess they (Bono especially) have too many commitments these days that get in the way of quality studio time.

That video was fun to watch. Damn, he looked and sounded different back then! :wink:
I admit, waiting 3-4 years between new studio albums is a long time. But it's what U2's been doing for years.

In 1990/91, I had 2 friends comment about the length of time between U2's albums. One person was surprised when JT came out in 1987. He hadn't heard anything from U2 since 1984 (and he dismissed WAIA - and rightfully so, IMO, as it has 2 live songs and 2 songs previously released) and thought they had disbanded. Again, in early '91, friends commented that it was now nearing 4 years since U2 last released an album. I pointed out that R&H came out in late '88, but they dismissed that as it was, in their minds, a "live" album. While I emphasized the 9 new songs, they still considered it a live album.

So for most people, the average wait time between brand new studio only albums from U2 since 1984 has been around 3 years.

But fortunately, U2 fill up that space with other releases, such as WAIA, R&H, OS1, Best Of releases, DVD's, etc.

I feel this is a good marketing strategy. Whenever U2 releases an album, it is big news. Then they are on tour for a year, so they are in the news for a long time. Add in Bono's and Edge's additional charity work, on top of the charity work the entire band and Ali does, and it seems like there is a daily article about U2 or something related to U2. This over-saturation isn't good for anyone.

By taking time between albums, U2 clearly feels that they produce better work. Most artists can't work this way, but I think U2's success (in terms of sales, awards, sold out shows, etc.) speaks for itself. Plus, by releasing albums less frequently, they give the world a little "break" from U2. However, U2 are smart enough to never "disappear" completely. They'll have these little releases (a song, a Best Of album, a DVD, etc.) that keeps them in the public eye just a little, just enough so that the public doesn't get sick of U2, but instead, remains hungry for more U2 material. Brilliant, really.

So as much as I'd love an '07 release, I'm realizing '08 is more likely. And that's O.K. - it gives me time to save $$ for new U2 stuff (buying all the releases and seeing shows is expensive!).
Ronnie!!!! :hyper: :rockon:

Great interview. I wish they wouldn't take as long either but I kind of agree with doctorwho it's good for them and for us that they do take so long and I like what they do during the breaks and maybe the hype is as good as it is when the album comes out because of this long waiting. And a U2 album hype is something that I absolutely love, sometimes it's almost as good as the records!

Still it would be a very interesting experiment to see how a U2 record would sound if the band had only 3 months to write an entire album nowdays. They have a lot of time in their hands now so they should try that out and see what happens. But really try it full on as if they were on a real deadline to deliver the album. Maybe they woulden't be able to finish a great album but just maybe they could pull some great songs out of that. It has been said that Bono works better in pressure maybe the whole band would too.
I'll admit that 4 years is a while between new albums, but most artists don't bang out an album a year like the good old days. Plus, it's not really about giving the fans a break from U2. It's more like giving U2 a break. It takes a while to make the album, then they have to promote the album and then they tour to support the album. So, that's a couple of years work right there.
Anyway, in the entertainment industry, it's going to leave the fans begging for more. By the time four years go by, the fans are strongly anticipating new stuff from U2 and they rush out to buy what's released. Then, of course, they'll start bitching about the new album, but that's a whole new topic.

Dr Who, it sounds like your friends from back in the day were severely clueless.
Bono saying 3 months is too long to make an album, classic stuff right there.

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