Ok, before I ask, I just want you guys to know, this should probably go in the "What do you Want" topic, but since it seems to be devoted to tickets these days, I thought I would throw my self at the mercy, and limitless knowledge of my PLEBA compatriots! I am looking for two bootlegs for my friends for Christmas, they were their forst U2 shows. I need one show from ZooTV, 9/25/1992(atlanta) and PopMart 5/14/97(memphis) Can anyone help me? Thanks girls!
Fishy <><
The Bedazzled Merch-Maid and Fashion Chair of Orgasmatron
The Original Hot Potato of LAYS
You put on the leather pants and the pants start telling you what to do. -Bono
Fishy <><
The Bedazzled Merch-Maid and Fashion Chair of Orgasmatron
The Original Hot Potato of LAYS
You put on the leather pants and the pants start telling you what to do. -Bono