Bono's New Look

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


War Child
Oct 15, 2001
Hello, Hello. I'm @ a place called Vertigo...-devi
Oh my goodness gracious!! I simply LOVE the new look Bono is sporting in this picture! He finally let out his demonic lil dominatrix side!! I KNEW that lad had a dark side in him this whole time! If I didn't have a boyfriend I loved so much and Ali wasn't around Hell I'd want to play with him like this!!!
ok my brain is asleep so if anyone is wondering what picture i'm talking about... well it's the one of him with the red hair and horns and that outfit with the collar!! Verandas post about bono is the one i mean if anyone is still lost. anyways.
bye! i'm off to play with bono hehe
she obviously was replying to the omg tell me this isnt bono thread but didnt know how and started a new topic. not that you care

Originally posted by U2Bama:
I think Jem meant to reply in the "Somebody tell me this ISN'T Bono!" thread. It's his first post.

Stay away from Bama. Actually, try and stay away from all those Alabama folk. They tend to carry the Whooping Cough.

YES I was trying to reply to the Tell me this isn't bono one and for anyone that doesn't know me....I'M A GIRL!! I know how the whole Jem name looks but it's a long story on how I got that name. My boyfriend would hate it if i wasn't a girl lol. It was my first time posting anything in here.... give me a break. I'll get the hang of this plus no sleep and brain on vacation doesn't help u see where u have to replay and stuff.
ok J-E-M and J-I-M are two different names but anyways. Yes the great Jim Morrison of The Doors once was here in Clearwater. Hell the lad attended the same college campus that I use every day to do all my computer stuff on! I even went to this damn campus for a while b4 getting bored with it. That's what must have happened with Jim..he got bored as hell at the stupid classes you have to pick when they aren't even close to what u really want to do!
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