Bono's new cooking show!

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War Child
Oct 14, 2003
Urbana, OH
Do you think that someday down the road, Bono (or all the members of U2) will start a cooking show called "Sometimes You Can't Bake It On Your Own"?
How To Bake an Attomic Cake

Miracle Cake
Sometimes you can't bake it on your own
milk and dough or else
Oven Of Cooking Food
Bakeing Bacause of You
A Stove and an Oven
Crumbs from your Table
One Minute Closer to cooking
Orginal of the recipes
Fast Cook's
bono_man2002 said:
How To Bake an Attomic Cake

Miracle Cake
Sometimes you can't bake it on your own
milk and dough or else
Oven Of Cooking Food
Bakeing Bacause of You
A Stove and an Oven
Crumbs from your Table
One Minute Closer to cooking
Orginal of the recipes
Fast Cook's

Achtung Cookie

Cook Station
Even Hotter Than The Oven Is
One, Oven
Until The End Of The Dough
Whos Gonna bake Your brown Cookies
So Hot
The Oven
Mysterious Dough
Trying To Cook A Meal in the Oven
Ultraoven (Cook My Dinner)
Food Is blindness

this will get less and less funny...but the things you do when you are bored, and exited!
I'm glad I'm not the only who partakes in this ridiculous activity :lmao:

Hmmm, a cookery related (albeit loosley) one or two...

I Still Don't Know How Many I'm Cooking For
In Gods Pantry
Red Hill Dining Town
All I Want Is Food

Definitely not a cooking related one, or related to the new album, but I often refer to Streets as 'Where the sheets have no stains'. Maybe that one should have stayed in my head!

:hmm: I'll get me coat :wink:
The Apple Tree:

Where The Recipies Have No Name
I stil havent dont know why i am cooking for
With Or Without Food
Cookin' The New Fries
Bakeing To Cook Food
Red Hot Fries
In Gods Pantry (as mentioned before)
Your Food I Desire
Hamburger Hill
Mothers Of The Kitchen
getting there ...slowley

The Unforgetable Dinner

A Sort Of Homecoming Dinner
Mcdonalds (In The Name Of Food)
The Unforgetable Dinner
25th Of December (as in the big christmas dinner)
Bad Taste
Indian Hot Curry
Elvis Presley Ate an Apple
Hehe, i'm so into this thing, i'll probabley do lyrics *nerd alert* hehe


Steak (Well Done, So Nice!)
Daddys gonna pay for leg of lamb
Some Steaks taste better than others
The last supper
McHappy Day
The Griller
I CALL POP!!! *pop lurver*


1. Discoeggs
2. Do You Fell Hungry
3. Mofork
4. If God Will Cook My Dinner (I could use some food right now...)
5. Staring at the Stove
6. Last Meal on Earth
7. Done (the steak's already done...been that way all along...)
8. My apples
9. The Ronald McDonald Mansion
10. If You Wear That Cooking Apron
11. Cheese
12. Wake Up Dead Chef

this thread is brilliant :D y'all are too funny

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