Bono's a Ride ???

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Interesting seller...not only can you get a naughty Bono sticker but also a Tim McGraw tote bag, a Colin Firth pillowcase and a Sanford and Son T-shirt!!! :hyper:

I love Bono as much as the other Bonogirls, but there's no way I would grace my my vehicle with this. Seems a little red-neck-ish. Would go well with the Tim McGraw tote.

Might be a different story if it was a pic of the Bonomullet, though. :hmm:
the girl from the saturday night live audience could put that on her car...

oh wait, she didnt ride bono HE rode HER
I'd put it on someone else's car just to embarrass them. Someone who doesn't like U2.

I am evil.
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