Bono to win an award

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Sep 12, 2005
New York City
Yeah, looks like Bono's going to recieve an award for his EDUN clothing line.

U2 front man and globe-trotting humanitarian Bono will receive the Board of Directors Special Tribute. U2 does indeed have ties to the fashion world. Bono helped his wife, Ali Hewson, and designer Rogan Gregory launch the collection Edun, which manufacturers its apparel in developing countries.
Although it would be a blast if Bono and Mrs Bono were to appear at the NY Public Library, this, I would think would better suit (pun intended) Ali. I thought he was supposed to be more in the background on this endeavor...maybe it is because he is the "salesman" and Ali is hates the spotlight so much.

If he does appear, he won't be dressing up smart, that's for sure, and he would surely be very comical about his appearance at a Fashion awards. But then so sincere and moving about the award and what it represents. :applaud: :dancing: :drool:
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