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Thanks for the link.

The U2Arg site is so slow I pretty much spent the morning trying to download it then stopped to capture the CNBC & CNN interviews and had to start all over which was again going to take over 3 hours.

Your link took about 30 seconds.

And yes, Bono's spanish is pretty bad, but he still sounded good to me.

Thanks again.
Am I the only one who finds this hilarious? I somehow have the feeling that all the "Latin American" people watching this were like "" I mean, c'mon, he's got this ridiculus top hat on and he sounds like one of those language tapes, looking all serious... and then he's just like "MTV Music Video Awards Latin America 2000 and uno dous tres catorce!" which must have REALLY confused anyone who's never heard Vertigo :lol: "2014? whaaaa?"

that said I watched it like 10 times :D Bono's so damn adorable especially in his little pimp outfit... thanks a million jv and ramblinrose!
So true...Bono does these things that honestly no one else could get away with without being criticized and ridiculed to hell :D Bono makes it cool. And hot. At the same time. :yes:
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