2orangecats said:
Congrats on meeting him! Care to share the details?
Ill try and give you the cliff notes version. I went back looking for my posts from that day and I saw that I never really said much about it.I guess i told so many people I thought I wrote it down.
It was in October of 2004 in San Jose, CA after the IPOD event. I had read here on Interference that U2 might be in town promoting the new IPOD just a few blocks from the Unviversity I was attending. So I took the morning off and I stood outside the theater all morning (in the rain )with lots of fans. We saw Steve Jobs, Morleigh,her kids and Eve and Jordan walk into the theater. But no Bono or Edge - I guess they came in the back way. Dallas was out there taking to us-he was very charming and kind.
Anyhow when the event was over Bono and the Edge came out with Paul McGuiness and it was almost impossible to get near Bono. I was able to get Edge's autograph though. In fact he came around twice and I told him I just got his autograph (What a stupid thing to say Christine!I shouldve asked for a pic with him!GRRR)
When they took off in their caravan I was so disappointed that I didint get to meet Bono I thought that I'd walk down the block by the Hotel they usually stay in when they're on tour just to see if they might be there. Sure enough their caravan was out front. Along with security.
I went into the lobby along with three other fans who had just arrived (Christina, Brett and Karmic Postmark).It was just the four of us there. We figured Bono and Edge might be upstairs so Christina and I were waiting by the front door when Ali , Jordan and Eve came by. They went to one of the cars and the window rolled down and someone with reddish brown hair was in the car. Thats when I realized Bono was IN the car. He gave Ali a kiss,they talked briefly and the girls got in the car with Bono. Ali took off in another car.
Not too soon after Bono saw Christina and I and we pointed to our posters and he motioned for us to come over. He got out of the car and I saw that Steve Jobs was sitting next to him. He shook our hand and gave us a kiss on the cheek and was very kind to sign our posters (I was able to get one from someone after they came out of the theater).
I didnt notice any cologne or what he smelled like (everyone asks me that) but I did kiss him back on the cheek and he has cool, soft skin. I also noticed that his wrinkles look deeper in pics but in person they're pretty smoothed out. He glady took photos with all four of us . I remember that his leather jacket was very soft and warm and that he seemed a little guarded/shy but very kind.
I didnt know what to say. I mean I only had 20 years to think about that moment but I didnt want to go on about how much U2 meant to me because I thought he might hear that every day. Instead I asked him what songs did they perform at the event. Another stupid thing to say. Next time I am going to tell him how much U2 means. My husband and I met because he walked into the store I was working at and wanted a photo retouched. It was a pic of him at the Joshua Tree. Thats how we met and now I have a beautiful son. A result of U2, basically. So thats what Id tell him.
Anyhow so much for the cliff notes version. It was a memorable day. I didnt cry till I got home and realized that one of my dreams had come true. I hope you guys have the same luck I did. Dont forget the pics and say what you really want to say to the members of U2.
I have a pic at my website if you want to see
click on my profile.
After we went back inside and he got back in the car, the Edge and his family came down .We said Hi but didnt want to approach them when he had his kids there. Bono came back inside because he had to use the restroom. We all laughed.