See my interest in this movie has been so up and down, I barely knew anything about it other than the fact that there was a movie coming out with the title. Then the trailer hit, the first trailer is about two minutes of what's made to look like an interesting story about youth in the 60's, and then it randomly throws 30 seconds in of the trippy visuals, nothing really Beatles musical related, it was made to look more inspired by the lyrics, which I think would have been cooler. Then I read about it and so later trailers and I flip flopped between being somewhat intrigued and kind of put off. Now that I've seen it, it's the same I think, it's quite the experience and unlike many Beatles covers they aren't horrible (and I don't take as much offense as it was for a reason) but at the same time, the names went to far sometime Jude and Lucy was one thing but Prudence, Sadie, etc, too much, and the dialogue when its there is rather cliche as is the story. By no means is it a great narrative, and I don't love cover music but it's not spitting on the memory of the Beatles, even if it takes the words at the superficial meanings to often. The visuals are eye-popping and it's certainly different and I recommend checking it out, but it isn't a complete package.