Bono and Edge enjoy Thai food

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:giggle: Bono must've felt so incredibly tall there!

:yes: definately Pop Era, look at Edge's pornstache!
:wink: and that's the green Discothéque shirt...
where else do they hang out in PA?
like when theyre in philly :D lol so much closer then pittsburgh
Their Thai hosts must have been incredibly tiny! :wink:

Bono's expression strikes me funny for some reason. He looks like he's trying really hard to be polite. I think it's his little smile and the way he's standing. :lol:
Rachel D. said:
Bono's expression strikes me funny for some reason. He looks like he's trying really hard to be polite. I think it's his little smile and the way he's standing. :lol:


lol i think i'm close to edges height.....
^ He looks like he's trying hard not to say something naughty! :giggle:

Thai food... :drool:
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