Body Piercing Advice

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Blue Crack Supplier
Mar 3, 2005
completely out of touch
I'm planning on getting a piercing - there are several types/placements which I think look good and are intriguing

The gem stud on the nostril is cool but getting fairly common
a labret with a BCR that wraps around the lower lip is tempting
and I've frequently thought about getting an eyebrow piercing

( my boyfriends nipple piercing is cool but he says it hurt the worst out of all the tattoos and piercings he's done :yikes: )

I've talked to a piercing specialist who is expecting me to come in tomorrow or Saturday to look at jewelry and decide what I want to do.

I've talked to a couple of people about getting this done, and it seems like most people I know who've tried the eyebrow piercing have taken it out because it was irritating.

I was hoping maybe I could get some practical advice from fellow interferencers who've done some/any sort of body piercing - what better way to learn than by hearing about first hand experiences?

So the three piercings I'm asking about are the nose, labret or eyebrow. Any advice? Stories to share?
Do you think you will want to take it out at some point? I ask because a bunch of my friends who had piercings eventually had to get them removed once they entered the business world. If you think that might be the case, then I'd definitely avoid the labret because they leave what are, in my opinion, ugly scars and you can't really cover them up nicely.

I've taken out all my extra piercings (I used to have 5 in my ears) to maintain a professional appearance and you can't see that I even had them. But it's also the reason I didn't pierce the rest of my face.

I've seen some really pretty nose piercings, but almost all on Indian friends, who look stunning with a tiny diamond stud against their dark complexion.
I think those really thin, simply rings in eyebrows are really cool.

But don't listen to me, I have zero piercings.
anitram said:
Do you think you will want to take it out at some point? I ask because a bunch of my friends who had piercings eventually had to get them removed once they entered the business world. If you think that might be the case, then I'd definitely avoid the labret because they leave what are, in my opinion, ugly scars and you can't really cover them up nicely.

I've taken out all my extra piercings (I used to have 5 in my ears) to maintain a professional appearance and you can't see that I even had them. But it's also the reason I didn't pierce the rest of my face.

I've seen some really pretty nose piercings, but almost all on Indian friends, who look stunning with a tiny diamond stud against their dark complexion.

:hmm: eventually, I'm sure - I can't see myself at age 65 with facial peircings but you never can tell what will happen. My professional image isn't a concern, since it falls into the artistic realm and most people are fairly open minded about body art

having the option to take it out without leaving an obvious, ugly scar is definitely something to consider seriously though, because like I said before you never know where life will lead.

you really had to take out your ear piercings? My pastor has each ear pierced five times, and no one, so far as I know, has ever told her she looks unprofessional for it
Actually, what I'm thinking of isn't the standard labret - it's on the pink part of the lip

My cousin got his eyebrow pierced, and so did a friend of mine. They've both had it for a few years now and I haven't heard them complain, and apparently it was not too painful (my cousin is an even bigger wimp then I am regarding needles/being pierced). My friend got a stud (or whatever) though, not a ring...
How could a person eat, or kiss, or brush their teeth with that thing in? :huh:

Anitram, I've wondered about that ever since the piercing fad was huge. What happens with these kids get older and can't dress that way on the job? It's one thing to change your hair, makeup and clothes, but those piercings leave, as you say, sometimes ugly and very noticeable scars all over their face. Some of them look like they've been in a terrible accident, or just gotten their ass kicked really hard. I wonder if they're ever sorry.

One more thing to consider: I know a girl who has about six ear piercings, one a huge safety pin across the tops of her ears. The backs of her ears, and the head area behind them, are bright red and rashy. I'm afraid she may have an infection that might go to her brain and kill her. I haven't gotten the nerve to tell her yet, she might get mad at me, but I don't think she can see it for herself from the front.
Sad_Girl said:
Actually, what I'm thinking of isn't the standard labret - it's on the pink part of the lip


I had a couple of piercings similar to this one for a while. I don't think it was actually on the pink part of my lip, I think it was slightly lower. The initial piercing wasn't a big problem in either case (the second one bled quite a bit though) -- in fact on the way home after getting the first one I went out for pizza. :)

I eventually (about 8 or so months later) did take them out because despite taking good care of them I had a few problems with them I decided weren't worth the hassle. Once I took them out the holes closed within just a few hours and the scarring is very minimal. I can barely find the scars -- I'm sure no one else can.
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Butterscotch said:
How could a person eat, or kiss, or brush their teeth with that thing in? :huh:

All very doable. Trust me. :)
a lip piercing is less complicated to live with than braces are, even. you get used to it :wink:

I'm surprised at the concern about piercings limiting people's ability to get a good job/career - it's such a common practice these days that I would never have thought of it being looked down on. Like I said, my pastor has multiple piercings, I know a woman in her 60's who is a clerk at a local store who has her nose pierced

as far as age goes, I'm 30 and have only just gotten to the point where I can financially afford to get the tattoos and piercings I've wanted for a long time
indra said:

I had a couple of piercings similar to this one for a while. I don't think it was actually on the pink part of my lip, I think it was slightly lower. The initial piercing wasn't a big problem in either case (the second one bled quite a bit though) -- in fact on the way home after getting the first one I went out for pizza. :)

I eventually (about 8 or so months later) did take them out because despite taking good care of them I had a few problems with them I decided weren't worth the hassle. Once I took them out the holes closed within just a few hours and the scarring is very minimal. I can barely find the scars -- I'm sure no one else can.

I'm not sure it's actually through the pink part, but it wraps over it if you use a bcr - I was trying to think of a way to differentiate from the standard Labret stud

thanks very much for sharing your experience
^ Yikes! :uhoh:

I have a labrette just under the lip. Super easy to take care of, no pain at all getting pierced, just a little pinch.. eventually you don't notice it. My only advice would be to consider a plastic bar or ring so you won't wear away the gums or break a tooth :)
I used to have several piercings. The only ones that I actually liked having were my nostril with a very tiny little diamond stud. Everything else just got annoying. I took my eyebrow one out nearly ten years ago (crap I sound old!) and I can still still the damn dots!
starsgoblue said:
I used to have several piercings. The only ones that I actually liked having were my nostril with a very tiny little diamond stud. Everything else just got annoying. I took my eyebrow one out nearly ten years ago (crap I sound old!) and I can still still the damn dots!

I had chicken pox as an adult and now have a scar just under my eyebrow, it looks like an old piercing :mad:
Don't know if they'd do it for your face but when I got my belly button done I had a numbing cream, might be a good idea for sensitive spots like your lip.

When I worked at the hospital, all labrets and eyebrow rings had to be removed as a matter of policy.

Nobody and I mean nobody I've seen at any of the law firms I've worked with (but we're talking about biglaw - corporate, not sole practitioner doing real estate or something) ever had anything but their ears pierced.
LOVE the nostril piercing Sad_Girl, good choice :up:. I love those especially with a tiny diamond so it's barely noticeable and have been thinking of one for some time. I let all the holes I've had punched in my ears over the years heal up and only wear one set of earrings (yes, the business world is in face quite a conservative world, one I don't believe to ever accept open facial piercings beyond a set of earrings in the lower lobes). I do have several tattoos that are covered when I want them to be so you'd never know I had them.

I allowed my son to get a tongue pierce when he was 16. More I forced him to do it to keep from hearing about it! He regrets having it done. Poor kid's tongue swelled and he couldn't eat for about 4-5 days. He works in food service but wears a clear ball on top so it's not noticeable. His teeth are scratched and he keeps saying he is going to remove the thing and let his tongue heal over the holes.
i have a nose piercing and i like it :shrug:

i'm into piercings and tattoos but other than the nose one i have, i can't think of any piercings i'd want other than more on my ear.
You've got pretty much exactly the same nose piercing as I do. :D I like it on you....looks good.

As for mine, I have had it for about 3 or 4 years and have totally forgotten about it. It did occur to me when I was interviewing for my job, but then I thought that if they didn't like me for me, then it wasn't a place I wanted to work. So far I've never felt any negative reaction to it...actually, when I was traveling for work in India, several women complimented me on it. :)
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