Yeah, Judy, you're exactly right. I guess some ejits called Bono a "pinko" and (forgive my language, I'm quoting) and "****** lover" for writing "Pride" and had threatened him. He was thinking, "Okay, this could be IT...", opened his eyes, looked up and saw Adam shielding him. *siigggggggggghhhhh* Bono's exact words, from the interview I read, were, "That was a good, good moment." GO ADAM! ::Sherry gives our bass man a smooch::
Also, I adored the story Larry told on Ledgends in which his mum died I guess when they were just starting out as a band, which would make him pretty young. Larry wanted to quit the band, and just sort...quit life. You know? According to Larry, Bono went to him and said, "I've been there, I know, I can help." And "forced" him to stay in the band." Then (is was soooo cute) Larry gets all flustered cause he doesn't want "forced" to sound bad, right? He says, "By forced, I mean...he wouldn't let me go."
AWWWWW!!! I LOVE YA MAN! Group hug!