More 5G Than Man
I love this album. It's the greatest combination of drug-influenced folk music, beatnik poetry, and feedback ever conceived.
Dude, all it takes is one look at the lyrics to figure out how awesome this mother is:
In the time of chimpanzees I was a monkey
butane in my veins so i'm out to cut the junkie
with the plastic eyeballs
spray paint the vegetables
dog food stalls with the beefcake pantyhose
Give the finger to the rock and roll singer
As he's dancing upon your paycheck
The sales climb high through the garbage pail sky
Like a giant dildo crushing the sun
Alcohol on my hands
I got plans
to ditch myself and get outside
dancing woman
throwing plates
decapitating their laughing dates
swirling chickens caught in flight
out of focus
much too bright
coming down
shiny teeth
game show suckers trying to bleed
but I got a drug and I got the bug
and I got something better than love
And, of course, "Drink my coffee with a hubcap"
It's pretty consistently great throughout...there's only a couple of songs I don't care for, but the rest is gravy. If you don't have it, this lame thread about a masterpiece will do nothing to properly judge it for you. Go to your nearest illegal downloading consortium and check out Soul Suckin' Jerk. Tell them LemonMelon sent you.