Ask Edge in Q's Cash for Questions

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


ONE love, blood, life
Apr 17, 2002
Just keep me where the light is

Ask Him Anything. (Go on)

Want to ask Edge a question ? Any question ? Now's your chance.

Edge is set to 'suffer the probing indignity' (it says here) of Q Magazine's Cash For Questions feature. 'You can ask him anything you like, from top tips on playing the guitar to his true opinion of Bono's charity work. What does he recall from playing Live Aid? Why doesn't he sing more on U2 albums? And - most importantly - why is he called The Edge? Only the sharpest, funniest questions will be put to the rock legend.'

Send your questions, along with your name and address, to and please mark your email "The Edge". (You get £25 if your question is selected).
For anyone that intrested, i asked about the Still havent found vid. When bono sings right in edges face he rolls his eyes, then bonoman turns away and edge looks pissed off. Just wondered wat it was all about
My question:

Edge, do you feel guilty about taking all the good hat fashions over the years and leaving Jonny Buckland (of Coldplay) to wear nothing but baseball caps?

Dont take it!!
Edgette said:

I don't think Q could say it's really him if it isn't. They'd get in too much trouble.

Not to mention that the first post of this thread said that the news came from don't think U2's official site deals with Edge imposters.
Bonochick said:

Not to mention that the first post of this thread said that the news came from don't think U2's official site deals with Edge imposters.

No, that would be another site.

Sorry, couldn't resist!
plz play acrobat, red hill mining town, electrical storm, heartland, promenade & drowning man?:rant:
Bonochick said:

Not to mention that the first post of this thread said that the news came from don't think U2's official site deals with Edge imposters.

check :) it's on their site too now... so I doubt that it's an imposter!
"What's the secret about Miss You Sugar? on the back of the CD for How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb"

Could someone ask that for me since I don't like giving my Adress over the internet, please.

I doesn't say anywhere on the internet.
Neither does it say anything in U2 by U2 or any recent interview and I would like to know.
Just thought it would be something else apart from the usual "What's the new sound going to be?" or "When is the album due?" or something similar.

Thank you in advance.
The_Edge89 said:
"What's the secret about Miss You Sugar? on the back of the CD for How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb"

Could someone ask that for me since I don't like giving my Adress over the internet, please.

I doesn't say anywhere on the internet.
Neither does it say anything in U2 by U2 or any recent interview and I would like to know.
Just thought it would be something else apart from the usual "What's the new sound going to be?" or "When is the album due?" or something similar.

Thank you in advance.

WOW I didn´t noticed that! I wonder what would it mean? :hmm:
For once and for all, why did you beat the shit out of your guitar at the end of Gone on the Elevation live from Boston DVD?

I could do with 25 pounds. With the kind of money i could buy all sorts of useful love.
bono_man said:
My question:

Edge, do you feel guilty about taking all the good hat fashions over the years and leaving Jonny Buckland (of Coldplay) to wear nothing but baseball caps?

Dont take it!!

Badly Drawn Boy is king of the knitted hats. :cool:

Sweet thread :up:
coolian2 said:
For once and for all, why did you beat the shit out of your guitar at the end of Gone on the Elevation live from Boston DVD?

I could do with 25 pounds. With the kind of money i could buy all sorts of useful love.

23. Why is the Edge slamming his guitar to the ground at the end of "Gone" during the June 2001, Elevation Boston DVD?

During a web chat The Edge answered this question from a fan by saying "Because we murdered the song."

That night in Boston it was evident that The Edge was having trouble with his guitar. From the perspective of being in the crowd in the heart it appeared that The Edge was unhappy with Larry ending the song earlier than The Edge had planned. After the incident with the guitar The Edge could be seen having words with Larry over at the drum kit. [M2, AS]

I've read that but i've also read other explanations attributed to him so i wanted to know

Plus i thought it was a better question than "y dont u pizz off i still havnt found wht im looking for for in gds country?" which was my alternate.

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