Are baseballs signed by leading MLB players worth anything?

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War Child
Mar 20, 2001
London, UK

As a Brit, Im a bit of a newbie when it comes to baseball but I love watching some ballgames on TV here in UK! I have no favourite team yet but I have been to Yankee Stadium once to watch the Yanks take on Rangers and I have a baseball practice shirt from there.....but still no favourites yet......

Anyway Im curious to know the kind of prices people pay for a signed baseball by leading player in MLB as my brother showed me a baseball that was signed by Mike Piazza from the Mets the other day. Im sure its not gonna be worth anywhere near what was paid for Barry Bonds' 70th homer ball! :D Was it something like $2 million paid for that ball? So how much is my bro's ball worth?

Hmmm, looks like the Braves are gonna go for it again but I find Royals much more interesting than them! I doubt that they'll go all the way but this is still early days so things may change.....

I don't think w/ the availability now-the way players do signing shows, sell on shopping channels, etc, that they are worth what they used to be worth when they were more rare. I have a small collection myself, including Hank Aaron. I still kick myself that I had a chance at a game to get Cal Ripken's, and I didn't even ask him :banghead:

You definitely have to make sure it's not a fake by either getting it in person or from a reputable place.

My Mom has a Ted Williams baseball signed by him in person, back in the day when he played. It's ancient! lol
Dougal -

What a great plae to see your first MLB game!!!! Kind of a shrine to pro baseball.

I would check around e-bay for memorabilia for Mike Piazza. Or, there are quite a few memorabilia dealers on the net that may have similar items too.

The value will probably rise when he retires, as well as when he approaches Hall of Fame eligibility (I can't imagine him not going).

Like what Bruce's wife said, unfortunately, something like that these dyas has to have authentication - and there is so much of it out there, that the actual value is diminished. Memorabilia has become a business rather than a past time/hobby.
a piazza ball would probably go for 30 bucks right now... save it and wait for him to retire... he's a sure-fire first-ballot hall of famer, so i imagine it would jump in price a little after he's inducted
random posting to get MVD all hot and bothered...

that's one smooth motha.... shut your mouth... i'm just talkin' about a-rod
I have a ball signed by Kelly Gruber, and a lot of the Blue Jays squad that won the World Series back in the 90's.

Worth: Squat.
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