Anyone selling their tickets?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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The Fly
Nov 27, 2000
San Antonio, TX
I have a friend who is interested in buying tickets for the Baltimore show...Please contact me at .

k e r c

La aventura del comienzo
La intriga de lo incierto
No temas y busca lo nuevo
S?lo empieza desde cero
Here are some good places to try, if you haven't already:

What Do You Have here in Feedback
the *******.com forum
any number of yahoo groups (just do a search for U2)

Also I know for a fact they released a few more GC's on a few days ago, and they'll probably release more before the show, so you or your friend should check every day!

you've got the right shoes to get you through the night
Originally posted by u2zed:

the *******.com forum

Oops! I forgot they're the enemy.

<grits teeth and reminds self to THINK more>

you've got the right shoes to get you through the night
He could do what I do and buy two 45 dollar reserved tix offa ebay for well over 200 bucks... The baltimore situation is THAT bad
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