anyone in Europe re. new cds?

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The Fly
Oct 2, 2001
wrapped around Bono's little finger
Just read how people in Europe put Celine Dion's new cd in their computer, and it completely wiped out their hard drives? Is this really true? This is what the record companies have come up with to prevent song swapping. That is awful to do to us. Does this happen to the American Celine Dion cds also? Would never buy it if this is true.
hahaha, that should boost sales!
Originally posted by U2live:
Does this happen to the American Celine Dion cds also? Would never buy it if this is true.

would you buy a celine dion cd if it wasn't true?!?!?!

i'm ready for the laughing gas
In North America her new cd will not play in a computer. However, it doesn't do anything to the actual system.

.... Not that I have the cd or anyting. They mentioned it on Much Music..
I think this is just computers being intelligent, refusing to play celine dion so they just clam up and refuse to play her stuff!

save a mouse - eat a pussy

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