Another Very Special Day

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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Jan 28, 2004

Last month I posted about the significance of the day 21 August to Bono. It is the day on which he experienced a tremendous Joy (marrying Ali) and an excruciating loss (the passing of his father). Today, 10 September, may even be a more significant day in Bono's life. :angel:

Today, 30 years ago, Bono "lost" his mother, Iris Rankin Hewson, when she died of a brain hemorrage after collapsing at her own father's funeral a few days before.

We all know of the enormous impact that Iris had in her son's life. Bono once said "...when my mother died, I felt a real resentment, because I had never got a chance to feel that unconditional love a mother has for a child.....That's what 'I Will Follow' is about."

I was waiting for someone else to do this post but since no one has, I will ask for us to come together this weekend once again and leave our thoughts, our prayers and our best wishes for the family of Iris Hewson, and to remember her with any pics that we have of Bono and his family and remember her with any pics of flowers -especially irises - that we would like to post. :up:

BTW, Iris Hewson's funeral was held on 12 September 1974. :hug:
This is a sad subject :slant: I can really only say I'm sorry, for your loss Bono, she watches you everyday and I know she is in your heart :) :hug:
I'm bad at sayin things on occasions... :| Sorry...
Here is some interesting info that I found on the name "Iris" and on her significance in Greek mythology. :wink:

The name "Iris" means "messenger of the gods" and in Greek mythology she WAS the messenger of the gods and the PERSONIFICATION OF THE RAINBOW (After the flood, all the colors came out).

One of the legends of how the Iris became the symbol of a French nation (the fleur-de-lis) centers on French monarch Clovis, who in 496 AD decided to place the Iris on his family banner. His wife, Clotilda, who was Christian, had tried unsuccessfully to convert her pagan husband to Christianity for years.

When faced with a formidable invading army from Germany, Clovis told his wife that if he won the upcoming battle he would admit that her GOD WAS THE STRONGEST and be baptized. When he won the battle, Clovis converted and the Iris, the mystical flower of the gods, was accepted as the French monarchy's symbol. :yes:

We thank God for Iris Rankin Hewson - for the most positive and important role that she has played in the life of her family and friends, and for the lasting contribution which she has made in the lives of ALL of us here, as well as in the lives of countless numbers of poor and vunerable People around the world, especially in Africa, who would not have as good of a chance at a hopeful Future if it was not for the Heart and Soul of her youngest son. :wink:

We remember the living legacy of Iris Rankin Hewson and our thoughts and prayers go out to her family and friends. We are much RICHER for her presence in this world. She lives on in the Hearts and Souls of Her Beloved. :hug:

YOUR EYES MAKE A CIRCLE. I SEE YOU WHEN I GO IN THERE....:bono: :heart: :heart: ;)
Makes it more understandable why Bono doesn't want Africa to have all those AIDS orphans if we sit on our duffs and do nothing.

Bless you Iris, for all of your accomplishments...your family was your best!
EXACTLY, starsgoblue!

Bono doesn't want other people's children to lose their parents and live the pain and loss that he had to live after losing his mum. :yes:

Excellent contribution to this thread.:hug:
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