Blue Crack Addict
So I think the two early 2000s albums are terrific. Not on par with JT or Achtung Baby, but really really good and worthy of all the praise they received at the time.
I also understand why there's a subset of U2 fans who completely disagree.
And therein lies the band's problem.
I'd be thrilled with another All That You Can't Leave Behind type album, but some of you would be disgusted by anything short of the 90s work. And a few would only be happy if they did something totally different from what they've done before, which at t his point I'm not even sure what that would be.
Their output from 1980 through 2000 was so eclectic that they brought in all types of fans. Eventually you get to a point where, short of repeating yourself, it's damn near impossible to make everyone happy. And that's a tricky place to be for a band that really likes to try and make everyone happy.
What they need to focus on is not giving a turkey about making everyone happy because it's impossible. Never gonna happen.
Stick with a plot and go with it. If that's a Moroccan themed album? Great. See it through. If it's a Danger Mouse produced album, which will undoubtedly have a lot of production elements that may present a challenge in a live setting? Ok. Do it. See it out and then figure it out.
In hindsight, I really do look at 2005 as the band's last hurrah. "Bomb" was a really good album, and like you said, maybe not at the heights of anything from 84-97 but still worth the praise it got. While I like bits and pieces of their stuff post 2005 (actually think SOI is great as is), it's definitely filled with 2nd guessing, backlash, dumb business decisions, and a band trying to appeal to a younger crowd when they should have embraced their legacy.
It feels like they have one more chance at redemption.