All WE need is Peace!!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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New Yorker
Sep 21, 2004
Naked on the Beach
sorry to put this thread here but it seems that there is too much anger in this forum (Maybe the Album?), lattely. :(

I am sort of a newbie and I signed up because I was coming here and reading and I was loving the peaceful reaction and discutions.
I left many forums, I stop coming to forums for a long time, because they were all the same: "You f***** stupid, f*** you, if you don't like it shove it, your mother is a b**** and other stuff.
Finally I found this one and I saw it was diferent, so I signed.

I understand the differences of opinions and in fact thats what democracy is all about.

But when someone comes here and put a post like: "WHy don't you get a life", or try to impose his/her opinion over us it makes me sad, really sad.

There is no need to be arrogant and cinic.

ZeroDude (I think it was him) said that someone should make a peace thread to chill out.

So I'm doing it.

PLEASE, Please, please, don't make me go away from this forum. :)


P.S: probable some will think that I want people to pay attention to me. NO, NO, NO. :( Just look at the Thread: Very Average LP, and you'll see what I'm talking about.
Have seen that thread, and indeed posted on it. I know what your saying bud, sadly there will likely always be some ppl trolling a site like this and posting spiteful messages. As long as the regulars can tell the difference, it should all be fine.
The odd (mildly heated) debate is always fine, there was one on here yesterday, just so long as personal insults are never thrown. There is no need for that, as, ultimately, we are all on here for the same reason; our love for U2.

I had to leave a Pink Floyd messageboard recently, because of it being full of trolls (that sounds wierd!) hopefully the same will never happen here.:wink:
Tyagu, welcome to the world of forum posting. :ohmy:

Hopefully you'll stay, but I completely understand your frustrations because I (and others) feel it too.

Posting should be a safe thing to do - you should not have to look around every corner for a forum sniper to tear you down or for a gang of fools to beat you down - but evidently, you do. :tsk:

This is sad and disheartening to those who simply want to post to share ideas and to ask simple questions but then get bombarded by the forum bullies, the know it alls, the ones who seem to have no life away from the forum.

All I can say, Tyagu, is that Interference is a great place to be to find things out about U2 and/or to find pics or new downloads, but just don't expect much Love and Peace - even if you try to give it first.

You'll probably be quite disappointed - like I have been. :|

But I'm still here and will just try to find threads and forums which are less contentious, but that is getting harder to do here.

I wish you the best. I hope you don't leave us because we need more voices that want to be about Love and Peace.:hug:
"All WE need is Peace!!!"

...and the full version of Fast Cars :wink:

Seriously, this is a great forum...soo much better than most. Don't give up on it.

Arrdvark, you are right , I love Pink Floyd too but most the posting fans on the boards are complete jagofffs. I disappointingly gave up on them a long time ago.

Most U2 fans are thoughtful, considerate, and understand it is ok to have our various opinions discussed without it turning nasty. :cool:
this forum is tame compared to most other forums out there...

the one problem here is that many people can't deal with differing opinions. for every person who says "you're an a-hole" because they don't agree with someone's opinion, there are just as many people who feel that everyone who posts that they disagree with one's opinion is simply "stirring the shit" and trying to be an a-hole, when they are simply disagreeing.

frankly, as long as there aren't any personal attacks going back and forth, just let it go. :shrug: just my two pennies.
Yea, the point is to be able to respect others opinions and being able to cope with your own opinion not always being right and then we will be going in the right direction, i mean get on with it and have a smooth flow, btw anyone just going out of their way to stir some shit up and annoy people is just being an arse, you can have a laugh but not just by fucking with other people.

Peace......... shall hopefully breakout
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This is a great forum, mostly everone is cool as hell, the mods do a good job of coming in when things get out of hand. I think you may have entered the forum at it's peak of excitement though. Our favorite band is about to release an album, we got huge news coming in every days, leaks, interviews, reviews. So of course theres going to be tension. Differences of opinions. I agree that people need to calm down sometimes, but I'll tell you that before and after this rush, about 99% of the people here are cool and respectful.

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