Ali thread #8

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Jun 28, 2003
I posted a few pics in thread #7 of Ali at the Toothfairy Ball in May of 2007..those pics I think are from 2006..
These two are from this years Ball.

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Bono and Ali were given the Board of Directors' Special tribute at the CFDA Awards last week..The rock star, unable to attend with his wife, Ali Hewson, on behalf of Edun, sent a video message.
“This is a real honor for a groovy rocker from the Northside of Ireland,” he said. “But by far the most stylish thing in my life is my partner Ali.”
kafrun said:
I really, really like this picture. They both look so normal and natural. Especially Bono, with the regular clothes and sunglasses, and slightly messy hair, he looks like any random guy you'd run into on the streets. And Ali seems extra tiny in this picture. Perhaps she didn't have on wedges that day :)

kafrun said:

A look that thankfully didn't last long :uhoh:
I love what she's wearing though :up:

And :lol: Edgelegs behind her head!
Jordan and eve have grown up to be very beautiful girls. :D

Eve looks like bono. They both could be models. I bet they have lots of men after them.
It is beautiful how they are always touching each other, holding hands, nuzzling. and he always speaksof her with such respect, love and praise. Awesome man .she is so, so lucky- so is he. i wonder though, if she does miss spending time with him..
When I first saw photos of Ali I actually thought she must have some Meditteranean blood in her....she's prettier than any supermodel I have ever seen.
OK, little John Abraham looks like who? I don't see Ali or Bono at all.....Eli looks like Bono as a little boy in that photo of Bono at the pool with his family.
vm72 said:
OK, little John Abraham looks like who? I don't see Ali or Bono at all.....Eli looks like Bono as a little boy in that photo of Bono at the pool with his family.

I was thinking the same thing..he actually looks like he's a member of Guggi's family:ohmy: cute kids though..
Uhm, are we sure those are both Bono's boys? Isn't one of Guggi's boys or Larry's the same age as Eli? The reason I ask is that those boys look the same age not two years apart so could it not be Eli and either Guggi or Larry's boy in that photo. After all there were other photo's I remember seeing with Eli along with one of Guggi's kids.

babyla14 said:

Actually, Eli is crouching in this one--they are not the same size!(or age) Also they were identified as their kids...
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I think it's John and Eli. There've been other recent (in the past year or so) pics of them with both boys and John looks the same in those pics. Unless they've adopted Guggi's son :huh:
Heck yeah--I remember the announcement on WIRE that Ali was expecting again. I thought, "Already!?! She just got through having one!"

For that matter, I've always been suprised when Bono & Ali have had children...:laugh:
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