Album version of Elevation

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The Fly
Feb 7, 2002
Long Island, New York, USA
Anyone else think it sounds a little flat? Especially after hearing it live so many times when it just explodes at the beginning. Kinda bugs me.

Don't let the bastards grind you down.

Zooropa FTP

[This message has been edited by zooropa16 (edited 04-18-2002).]
I still like it and listen to it, but I prefer Influx or live versions.

"I'm nearly great, but there's something missing..."
I really, really love the album version. It definately is different compared to all the remixes, but I think it's anything but flat.
I think it's raw and harsh and I love it.
But I love every remix and version I've heard, so any way it's played I like it!
I prefer the album version!

But any version will do

Listened to it this morning on the way to work. ROCKED OUT!
Originally posted by Bonochick:
I still like it and listen to it, but I prefer Influx or live versions.

Yeah, the Infux mix is so damn cool, especialy when the sitar comes in. It gives me goosebumps.

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