After 23 years away from Interference, I’M BACK, BABY!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Trash Can 2

Oct 11, 2024
Irving, Texas
😐 Yeah.
So, I was looking up something about U2 (origin of “Uno, dos, tres, catorce”) and came across a post on a website called “Interference”, and I’m like… “HELL, I used to be on this website ages ago!”.
2001, to be exact! 🤯
I can’t believe Interference is STILL around!
I remembered my old profile name (and I CAN’T use it again, because I used it 23 years ago 😂).
I found many of my old posts and I’m just blow away.
So, just for grins, I thought I’d pop back in and say “Hi”.

Hi! 😁
“Trash Can”.
(From the very old U2 song “Trash, Trampoline and the Party Girl”).
I tried to use it now and I got the “cannot use a name already being used” notice, so I just added a “2” at the end of it.
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