Across the road from hope

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The Fly
Oct 31, 2002
Eindhoven, Netherlands
When Bono sings "I’m ‘round the corner from anything that’s real
I’m across the road from hope" in One Step Closer, it sounds as if he is actually singing "I'm across the ROACH from hope". Or am i the only one to hear that? Well, maybe its because English isnt my natural language, but i thought ist strange.
The first time I heard it, I thought the lyric was:

"I'm under the bridge and the REPTILE has taken everything I own..."

I was wondering if the Reptile would be like a lizard king onstage persona...
iota said:
The first time I heard it, I thought the lyric was:

"I'm under the bridge and the REPTILE has taken everything I own..."

LOL i thought i heard that too....glad to see i wasn't the only one :laugh:
iota said:
The first time I heard it, I thought the lyric was:

"I'm under the bridge and the REPTILE has taken everything I own..."

I was wondering if the Reptile would be like a lizard king onstage persona...

Ah..a new onstage persona on the next tour from Bono...that would be cool!:wink:
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