ABOY vs. Love and Peace vs. Vertigo vs. Miracle Drug.

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Jul 22, 2004
Washington State
I know this is early to say, but from what you've heard so far, which is your favorite?

I'll say:

1. Vertigo
2. Miracle Drug
4. Love and Peace
1. Vertigo
2. Miracle Drug
3. Love And Peace Or Else
4. All Because Of You
lol, I figured you guys were from the IGN boards. I'm ShadowCattivvi :drunk:

Anyways, here's how I'd rank the songs...

Love and Peace or Else
Miracle Drug
All Because of You

1. Miracle Drug
2. Vertigo
3. Love and Peace or Else
4. All Because of You

I fucking love Miracle Drug.
1) Miracle Drug
2) Love and Peace or Else
3) Vertigo

This would be my list of "favorites" but I really hate rating U2's songs because I love ALL of these songs. :wink:

It's just that each of them touch a different place in my heart and soul. But they're ALL GREAT SONGS!

Like so many others, I think "Miracle Drug" is the BEST so far. The guitar playing, the musical intensity, Bono's heartfelt singing, etc. all combine to take us to the heights - allows us to soar heavenward. :angel:

I'm already in love with this song!

I also REALLY like "Love and Peace...." for its bluesy, R & H feel to it. I wish I could have understood the lyrics better, but sometimes with U2's music it's the FEELING that you receive from a song that's just as important as the lyrics. So I will just wait for the new CD and keep listening to the clips. EXCELLENT VOCAL DELIVERY BY THE B-MAN.

And, of course, who doesn't love Vertigo and how it hearkens back to U2's earliest songs? It's BEAUTIFUL IN ITS SIMPLICITY and youthful enthusiasm.

And never to be dissed, ABOY is as good of a song as any of the others. :yes:

Like everyone else here, I'm eagerly anticipating this new CD! :hug:

ALL BECAUSE OF YOU....:adam: :larry: :edge: :bono: :love:
My favorite part about Miracle Drug is Edge's singing at the end. About time!
the end of the song still sounds to me like bono . . could well be wrong though. it would be easier to discern if the quality was just a tad better.
Hmmm, tough calls considering they are all $h*t recordings but my list goes a something like this:

1. Vertigo (this songs kicks @$$!)
2. All Because Of You (really does sound like it could have been by the Who)
3. Miracle Drug (a possible huge "pop" hit)
4. Love and Peace (Or Else) (definitely slanted towards the blues rock of Zeppelin or Clapton)

But once I hear the real recording this could all change.:drool:
Miracle Drug
Love and Peace or Else
All Because of You

...all are great, though.
From what I can hear of the tracks ;

Love and Peace Or Else.
Miracle Drug.
All Because Of You.
Lo-Fi said:
From what I can hear of the tracks ;

Love and Peace Or Else.
Miracle Drug.
All Because Of You.

me too.
maybe i would change my opinion if the songs were recorded on a day with flat sea
1. Vertigo
2. All because of you
3. Miracle Drug
4. Love and peace or else
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