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  1. AnCatKatie

    **The Spank Bank**

    Oh my...I've got mad crushes on that one.
  2. AnCatKatie

    Depeche Mode "So Cruel" cover

    This. I re-listened to the cover of So Cruel yesterday along with a bunch of other Depeche Mode. It's a pretty good cover. I feel like most of the other songs in the cover album were borderline mediocre, but this deviated enough from the original in that it sounded like the covering band, that...
  3. AnCatKatie

    Things I Hate, Spring Edition

    The idea that women have to be the sole caretakers for kids, in a two-person relationship. It's fucked up. Sure, ladies can breastfeed them (when the public lets them) and stuff like that when they're little, that's necessary. But after the point where babies are dependant on bodily fluids...
  4. AnCatKatie

    PGP-Dirty dancing into a new thread

    ~2 weeks ish later... (Internet hiatus except tumblr. I've deleted my facebook and have been off most sites so as not to try and get back to it. Facebook is like fucking crack.) I've entered those two art things into the show, found frames (though my parents couldn't be bovvered to get one the...
  5. AnCatKatie

    Things I Love: Part Love-Things-Like-Mad

    I love silly band adverts. And bacon.
  6. AnCatKatie

    Things I Love: Part Love-Things-Like-Mad

    I haven't actually gotten that far, I just need a break sometimes :giggle:
  7. AnCatKatie

    For Cat Lovers Only XVIV - Post Pics, Ask Questions, Comments, Etc.

    More kittens from the shelter This little girl didn't have a name, but she looked exactly like my old kitty Angel, down to her brown-tabby-striped tummy. She got re-adopted by the person who gave her to the shelter. This is Jazz, he and a little Siamese kitten, Taz, got adopted by a kid I...
  8. AnCatKatie

    Things I Love: Part Love-Things-Like-Mad

    Relaxing, beautiful music No matter how much of the hard, 4-4 beat, catchy stuff I listen to, I've got a soft spot for the slower, prettier songs. It's really calming and gorgeous to hear music like that.
  9. AnCatKatie

    PGP-Dirty dancing into a new thread

    that's awesome that you guys located it :)
  10. AnCatKatie

    PGP-Dirty dancing into a new thread

    :ohmy: :giggle:
  11. AnCatKatie

    PGP-Dirty dancing into a new thread

    Dirty Dancing—I don't actually watch it that much bc I tend to over-watch movies, but seriously. That movie. I was in love with it when I was younger, now I'm trying to figure out how many parts cliché it is and whether Patrick Swayze's character makes any sense at all. But I do love the actual...
  12. AnCatKatie

    PGP: Waiting for some Crumbs From U2's Table

    :hug::hug::hug:Tara Feels. I've been volunteering at the local humane society, playing with kittens, and there was one who looked exactly like my old kitty...she had the same half-visible tabby markings and everything...
  13. AnCatKatie

    PGP: Waiting for some Crumbs From U2's Table

    VP—Rock+jazz+funk not my thing, so I'm not one to judge in the first place :p I was just wondering. As for your family not wanting to go—Hell, my family isn't even into mainstream rock, whatever that actually is. My parents were extremely meh about going to see Joan Jett, though we did end up...
  14. AnCatKatie

    PGP: Waiting for some Crumbs From U2's Table

    Ah...that's the mini/test version of my huge art I'm entering in the contest/gallery thing. I'll attempt to photograph both pieces...(there's a large one and a small one, neither of them that one. Both ink and watercolor)
  15. AnCatKatie

    PGP: Waiting for some Crumbs From U2's Table

    :cute: what an adorable kitty! So fuzzy. Yeah, baby skunks look similar, larger heads though I think What band are you wanting to see? /curious My older sister's going to the PDX festival in Portland around when I'm gonna be there Needless to say, I haven't heard of any of the bands in that...
  16. AnCatKatie

    PGP: Waiting for some Crumbs From U2's Table

    :reject: I totally go to concerts by myself :| although it's way better to go with people, my friends except my best friend either bitch about the music, aren't into it, or try to get me to pay for tickets... I'm alright. Kind of tired of being in the middle of nowhere, not getting much done...
  17. AnCatKatie

    PGP: Waiting for some Crumbs From U2's Table

    VP, has it been forever or does PGP run on different time than the rest of the world? we had a baby skunk at the community garden the week before was a little fuzzball :3
  18. AnCatKatie

    PGP: Waiting for some Crumbs From U2's Table

    Hokay :giggle: I say watch the firefighters and save the books for the plane :p
  19. AnCatKatie

    PGP: Waiting for some Crumbs From U2's Table

    Zu: :( That's 13hrs; so not unless I spontaneously learn to drive and we're re-enacting SLC Punk That sucks though...I agree with daygloeyes. It is Friday the 13th and I respond to Friday the 13th with severe sleeping-in...
  20. AnCatKatie

    PGP: Waiting for some Crumbs From U2's Table

    :hyper: I will love you forever, Comet. More than already that is.
  21. AnCatKatie

    PGP: Waiting for some Crumbs From U2's Table

    Arghargh the images never link up. Ah well. I checked the sounds, they aren't there anymore except the first one :(
  22. AnCatKatie

    PGP: Waiting for some Crumbs From U2's Table

    Comet, that's awesome! glad you had fun! (meanwhile, I'm still Echosphere-ing this website... :giggle:)
  23. AnCatKatie

    PGP: Waiting for some Crumbs From U2's Table

    Oh my god. Those comics.
  24. AnCatKatie

    PGP: Waiting for some Crumbs From U2's Table

    Adam Clayton Savage at Comic Con:
  25. AnCatKatie

    PGP: Waiting for some Crumbs From U2's Table

    I love finding weird art on the interwebs. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
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