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  1. K

    UF @ the Saloon NY April 24th Fri

    :wave: hi every1. ...have money but no motivation.....catch ya one day this summer.
  2. K

    Unforgettable Fire on March the 20th: Saint Pat's anybody?

    Looks like every1 had a great time. :wave: Wished I could have been there....there is always next time.
  3. K

    Unforgettable Fire on March the 20th: Saint Pat's anybody?

    I'm in as long as everything goes as planned and I'm bringing two of my friends. Now I just need to remember to get tix for that night for all of us. I have the memory of an ant.
  4. K

    Unforgettable Fire on March the 20th: Saint Pat's anybody?

    I can't decide.... Save money for U2 or save money for a trip to NY in March to see UF. :shrug: You can count me in as tentative.
  5. K

    Lincoln Memorial, January 18

    I'm there and plan on taking the metro at New Carrolton at 7am.
  6. K

    Unforgettable Fire on March the 20th: Saint Pat's anybody?

    My money tree keeps getting chopped down. I won't even begin to dream about seeing the real thing this year. :|
  7. K

    Unforgettable Fire on March the 20th: Saint Pat's anybody?

    I'm tempted to attend but I have to think about it.
  8. K

    Unforgettable Fire w/ Almost Queen - December 20th - Canal Room

    :drool: ...leather pants....makes me wish I would have braved the weather.
  9. K

    Unforgettable Fire w/ Almost Queen - December 20th - Canal Room

    :lol: wonderful pics and if I don't get the chance Happy Holidays every1 :hug:
  10. K

    Freud Annual Christmas Party

    :drool: :combust:
  11. K

    Unforgettable Fire w/ Almost Queen - December 20th - Canal Room

    what direction do you live in? only issue is I want company for the 3 hour drive whenever I decide to see UF again...oh and I need money. :D
  12. K

    Unforgettable Fire w/ Almost Queen - December 20th - Canal Room

    Just remember to take plenty of pics to share with those of us who can not attend. I will be there in spirit. :hug:
  13. K

    Unforgettable Fire w/ Almost Queen - December 20th - Canal Room

    oh and slighly off topic but I need advice... what is the best digital camera for taking pics of UF? My first attempt was lousy.
  14. K

    Unforgettable Fire w/ Almost Queen - December 20th - Canal Room

    I think it was that vid that gave me the awesome UF dream last night.... :drool:
  15. K

    Unforgettable Fire w/ Almost Queen - December 20th - Canal Room

    :lmao: that was hysterical. I have to go change my pants now. :lol:
  16. K

    Unforgettable Fire w/ Almost Queen - December 20th - Canal Room

    Hell yeah she is... cause she is trying to get the attention of that hot devil. :lol:
  17. K

    Unforgettable Fire w/ Almost Queen - December 20th - Canal Room

    I have an :angel:on one side and :macdevil: on the other. Now who do I listen too... :hmm:
  18. K

    Unforgettable Fire w/ Almost Queen - December 20th - Canal Room

    now try to explain to me why I'm trying to talk myself out of coming to NY... :reject: going back into responsible adult mode... :banghead:
  19. K

    Unforgettable Fire w/ Almost Queen - December 20th - Canal Room

    ...just wondering but who has the bail money....:hmm:
  20. K

    Bono and Edge @ private party for victims of Darfur

    Maybe Edge found Bono's cell phone....he must have had it set to vibrate. :D
  21. K

    Unforgettable Fire w/ Almost Queen - December 20th - Canal Room

    might have $$$ to do this...need 2 see if I can get a partner in crime to accompany me. :wink:
  22. K

    Bono and Edge @ private party for victims of Darfur

    2 things....Edge looks cute while he is on his cell phone and I wish I could be sitting in the back seat with all three of them.... :cute:
  23. K

    Bono and Edge @ private party for victims of Darfur

    :reject: need practice commenting with the pic on the comment.... LOL I'm going back to my hole to hide now :lol:
  24. K

    Bono and Edge @ private party for victims of Darfur

    I'm thinking that Edge is saying...Why did i get stuck in the middle? ...and Bono was wondering why all three of them had to sit in the small back seat together. I love the looks on there faces and it is nice to see Gavin hanging with his mates.
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