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  1. B

    PGP: I came, I saw, ....I rocked the Casbah

    Why hello there ladies! I just so happened to come a wandering through these idyllic blue fields at the midnight hour only to discover that the Pleba Girls Party was closed. Locked! Chained and lonely. My horror, I cannot describe it! This hallowed cove of unspeakably wonderful things, this...
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    ♥ Happy Birthday Drea!!!!! ♥

    So...this is a little late. After all, your kickass birthday tour has already begun! Trust me, you ain't seen nothing yet. :sexywink: Here's to you and all the fun that is to come!! :hug:s *~Happy Birthday!!!!~* The boys got all dressed up to party with you.... Don't forget: And don't you...
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    Chemistry Help

    Hey everyone!! It's been awhile since I've posted around these parts. I'm sure you've all missed me terribly. :p So I'm helping my neighbour's kid out with a chemistry project. They have to build an electrochemical cell, and the kid has done a good job and is making some permutation of a...
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    What the heck is wrong with my camera?

    So this isn't exactly computer related, but I figured you techy folks may know best. So I have a canon powershot A95....yes it is old, but up until recently I have never had a single issue with it. I was recently told that my model was/is involved in a recall that has something to do with some...
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    IO: Hiccups

    I haz them. :angry: :angry::angry::angry::angry: Fix it.
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    The wonderful world of monitors

    So, I still have a well loved but ancient CRT monitor, all huge, bulky, and wonderful. Really, as sarcastic as that sounds, it has treated me well. In any case, while there is no immediate need, I have been shopping around and looking to get something shiny and new. I'm on the computer a lot...
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    IO: I have Spock pox

    I may be contagious but I refuse to be contained. :angry: *cough*
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    IO: I come bearing gifts...

    Sometimes, when I get the munchies, and don't have a spork at the ready, I like me some bite sized brains with tasty filling! I salute the midget minded who gave their brains so we may savour them. :drool:
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    Pleban Girls Party: We're tired of taking it slow...

    Let's get this place jumping again.... wink wink nudge nudge know what I mean, know what I mean? :kiss:
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    Real or Fake? (help pls)

    Now, before this thread wanders off to more off-colour topics. I seek knowledge from the vast wisdom of interland. I've been trying to get my hands on some NIN tickets to surprise a friend, and I think I've finally found a pair for a reasonable price. But, I want to try and be sure I'm not...
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    2008 U.S. Presidential Campaign Discussion Thread 13: Victory Lap

    Can I get a HELL YEAH?! :hi5: Please continue posting your sentimental and drunken celebratory moments here. Or, you know, discuss shit like intellectuals. Maybe a lil of both.
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    Hotmail seems to be phasing in a new format, again. Apparently it's unoptional too, since I never asked for it. It just cheerfully told me it was a repainting rather than a redesign. BS. Anyhoo, apparently there is an option setting so I can change it back to the way it was. I have waded...
  13. B

    Seek and ye shall find....PM search

    Perhaps there already is a way to do this and I just don't know it, but is there anyway we could have a search function for our PM box? Or at least, a way you could see all PMs you've exchanged with a certain member? I was trying to find an old PM today, and despite knowing the approximate...
  14. B

    What did you just stick where?

    And did you stick it good?
  15. B

    Happy Birthday VintagePunk!!

    *~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY VPee! ~* Please note the asterisk-tilde combo of sincerity, that means I *really* mean it. Really. I do. Honest. I also got you a present Someday, may you be honoured with this award: No need to thank me, I know you appreciate my thoughtful gifts greatly. I left an...
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    Pleba Girls Party - Raising tents with style, the boys all come for miles

    Kickin it old skool, bitchez. :kiss:
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    Congratulations SadGirl, you're a mom!

    :heart: It's A Girl!!! :heart: I just received a text message from SG tonight with the most exciting of news! It's a girl! Mercy Beatrice 6 lbs 9oz , 2 days labour 3.5 hours of pushing! She's so beautiful. She was so excited she didn't mention when she was born but I imagine it was...
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    The Future of the Internet...

    The end of the Internetz?! :ohmy: 06/01/2008 - Every significant Internet provider around the globe is currently in talks with access and content providers to transform the internet into a television-like medium: no more freedom, you pay for a small commercial package of sites you can visit and...
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    Gee whiz - we're being watched!

    Wowzers, I just happened to scroll on down and found this little surprise... "Currently Active Users: 994 (108 members and 886 guests)" That's impressive. But who are all these people watching us? Are they mocking us? Studying us? Where'd I put my tinfoil hat....
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    The Temple Bar: We'll give you christmas spirit...UYMFA!!!!

    No longer must you wander aimlessly in search of free drinks. That's right folks! While the Octagon may be long gone or simply dormant in the darkest depths of the Lemonade Stand, there's a new club on the scene. We have some fresh competition in the neighbourhood! It may or may not be a giant...
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    I'll show you a full box!

    Dearest Powers that Be, It has come to be time and again that while the informative and colourful graphical representation of my inbox's free space has displayed a more than generous amount of room for new messages, I am constantly hounded by enraged outcries that my inbox is full! While I was...
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    Pleba Girls Party: We're hands on......winkwink nudgenudge knowwhatimean?

    Monthy Python pwns all. Go forth and spread the word.
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    IO: I'll book your face!

    Should I or should I not join facebook? Discuss.
  24. B

    *~ Happy Birthday VintagePunk!!! ~*

    :dance::dance: May you find yourself today, and in the year ahead, surrounded by laughter, the ones you love, and all the craziness that makes life grand. May you also kick some serious thesis ass. And for god's sake, save me some cake. :angry: Virgo's Rule :rockon: :heart::hug::heart...
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    Pleba Girls Party: things are getting hot and heavy- but it's not the humidity.

    Everyone grab you loofa and get nekkid!
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