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  1. R

    Lyric Request: Speed Of Life

    It's a version from an early bootleg ("My Hometown" 02/26/1980 National Stadium - Dublin, Ireland). I also found that lyric you posted, but doesn't match at all with the song. Thanks for replying.
  2. R

    Lyric Request: Speed Of Life

    As my native tongue it's not english, it's hard for me to do an accurate transcription of this lyric from the version I've got. It's a live version (Dublin 02/26/80). I really need that lyric for a project I'm doing for a friend of mine. Here's the link for that version: send...
  3. R

    What country has the BEST U2 fans?

    U2Torrents provides statics about the Top Ten countries in terms of registered users in the site. Dividing those figures by the population of the country and multiplying by 1,000,000, we’ve got a ratio (number of users per million for each of those countries.) USA Registered Users: 3475...
  4. R

    Looking back... Was Milan the right choice for the DVD?

    Click this link and you'll see an amazing picture (I tried to put the image in the post but it didn't worked, sorry)
  5. R

    THIS is what U2 should's very simple

    Great setlist! I'd do a minor change. 3 Elevation 4 Elec co. 5 Gloria/ocean or An cat dubh/into the heart City and Vertigo in the second encore seem interesting. Also All Because Of You as opener. And all the closer possibilities are great too.
  6. R

    What Do they Open with???

    I think LAPOE is the best possible opener. Here’s an example of its potential power as opener. I got it from U2 East Link where a poster called chezPaul shared it with us. h t t p://s17. y o u s e n d i t .com/d.aspx?id=1Z9GOYINTFOYU0XDJHTM68ZC83 (remove blanks)
  7. R

    Another setlist rumor at a Spanish site

    Information in that post This information comes from a radio show which is supposed to be very accurate in the information they give about groups like Rolling Stones or U2. Supposedly, their correspondent had an interview with Paul McGuiness. Paul told him that the stage will have several...
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