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  1. K

    Pregnancy and going to a U2 Concert??

    I went to the Vertigo tour concert when I was seven months pregnant. The doctor/internet both said it was fine. I think as long as you're not actually on the floor smooshed in with everyone and have a real seat it shouldn't be a problem. ;)
  2. K

    Foto-morphing Bono-Lennon!

    I think it would have looked better had they used a younger pic of Bono. He has more wrinkles then Lennon in the one they used so it's kinda creepy...maybe if they used a JT pic it would be more seemless?
  3. K

    The Promises we make pt 23 - the end

    That was great!!! I've enjoyed reading your story this whole time and I'm sad to see it end, but I'm glad it ended well. That was scary with the delivery and stuff...I found out I was pregnant about a week before Cat did in your story and that part really freaked me out about labor and...
  4. K

    Too bad I cant tell who rates threads

    Wierd...I didn't even know you could rate threads! :huh:
  5. K

    The Promises we make pt 22

    That was great!!! I'll be sad to see the story end, but it's been great fun reading it! :D Can't wait to see what else you come up with! ;)
  6. K

    The Promises we make pt 21

    That was great!! I'm glad the photos werent' stolen, but it was funny that all the girls got to see them first! hehe :lol:
  7. K

    The Promises we make pt 20

    OH no! Poor naked Larry!
  8. K

    The Promises we make pt 19b

    that was great! Bono can be so irritating sometimes though. Poor Laney. :( I hope everything works out okay.
  9. K

    PLEBA Girls (and guys!) Picture Thread II

    Here's one of me and Billy Idol. We met him when we were down in Austin on Spring Break. Oddly enough (for Texas) it was freezing which is why I'm all bundled. :)
  10. K

    The Promises we make pt 19

    Yay!!!! That was great! When Bono pulled her on top of him...:drool: I would have just died... I can't wait to see how this plays out. Good job!!!! :D
  11. K

    Promises we make pt 18

    Yay! Another part! I was so surprised to find a chapter in my mailbox that I rushed over here to see if you had updated. Thanks so much! I really like Laney...of course I always sympathize with the redheads with freckles (which is how me and my entire family look). :yes: Love Bono in the...
  12. K

    oaks: My Diary of my first U2 concert.

    That's great YDW!! I can't wait for October when we get to go! Of course I"ll be six and a half months preggers, so hopefully that won't make it uncomfortable and awkward, but we're going anyway! :D
  13. K

    The promises we make pt 17

    Yay!!! :applaud: I've been checking for an update everyday! I was so happy to finally see one! Good for Larry and Pauley for standing up to those bullies! I can't stand people who are prejudiced against "foreigners" for no good makes me so mad! :mad: :rant:
  14. K

    Att: Ladies, i pose a question

    Yeah, but what can you do? He ignores it and is a very charming person, which I think makes up for it. He's never had trouble getting dates 'cuz he's such a nice guy (at least I think that's the reason)
  15. K

    Answer a question--Ask a question game

    A: I'd make Bono taller, Edge would have a little more hair, Adam...I like Adam how he is...:( maybe he'd be a little younger? and Larry would never have that military haircut again. Q: If Bono or whoever, suddenly broke up with their significant other and decided that you were the one for...
  16. K

    Att: Ladies, i pose a question

    I forgot this guys name but he's hot too... I think shaving your head is a good idea only if you can pull it off. My brother has thinning hair and he is only 19...he would NOT look good with a shaved head. *shrug*
  17. K

    Answer a question--Ask a question game

    A: I wish I could have been the girl in the Stay video...I love it when they're singing and Bono's all up against her back... :drool: Q: If you had to choose between having a permanent life-long relationship with one of the guys (your choice) but you knew it would ultimately break up the band...
  18. K

    The Promises we make pt 16

    Yay!! That was great! Can't wait for the next bit!
  19. K

    The Promises we make pt 15

  20. K

    The Promises we make pt 14

    That was great! I'm glad Pauley's okay, that would have been horrible if something happened to him. I love this story! Keep up the good work! :yes: :applaud:
  21. K

    The promises we make pt 13

    That was great Sad_Girl! I can see Trine cutting her hair all off, I've known a couple of girls that have done the same thing...haven't you ever seen Empire Records Russty Cat? Anyway, great chapter! My husband can totally sympathize with Adam and Cat's cold feet...I do the same thing. :)
  22. K

    The Promises we make pt 12

    This is great! Could you email me too? Thanks!
  23. K

    The Promises we make pt 11

    aaw...poor Bono...poor Angel...I thought it would work out between them.... :sad: :(
  24. K

    The Promises we make pt 10

    aaw, poor Bono! That was great! Larry can be so sweet! I love Pauley too, he's so cute! Can't wait for more!!
  25. K

    The promises we make pt 9.5

    That was great! Thanks so much for updating quickly, I really, really love this story! :bow: (oh and could you send me the other version? ) :yes: :up: :applaud: :dancing: :dance:
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