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  1. Ashley

    In My Place

    I don't know if anyone remembers me or my site or I figured I'd pop in here and share it with you all again. I have a site that's much like the old Fooksburgh and The Zoo (if any of you lovely people remember those fun sites), and I've been keeping up with it off and on since 2003. I...
  2. Ashley

    Request: Silver-haired Adam

    After looking through my U2 photo collection, I realized that I am sadly low in the number of recent Adam pictures that I have. (What can I say, I'm a Bono girl. :der: ) So I was hoping, if any of you lovely girls had some pictures of Adam with his sexy silver hair, you wouldn't mind sharing...
  3. Ashley

    Picture Tag (Part 3)

    I don't know about the rest of you, but I think it's high time that we had another picture tag thread. They're my favorite! So, let the craziness begin!
  4. Ashley

    Pictures that don't get posted enough

    There are sooooo many U2 photos out there, but it seems like a lot of the time, many of the same pictures are posted over and over again (for good reason most of the time because they are that sexy and worth it!)... Like this one, for example: It's lovely, it's gorgeous, it's wonderful. But...
  5. Ashley

    looking for some Bono pictures

    I hate to do this, but I really cannot find the pictures I am looking for on my own. :sigh: Does anybody have those pictures of Bono catching the football from the superbowl preshow announcement thingy? And any pictures of Bono at any political events would be much appreciated as well. Shaking...
  6. Ashley

    family pictures

    In honor of Sian's birthday, I think we should all post some pictures of U2 with their families... First, I'll just cross-post some pics of the birthday girl!
  7. Ashley

    ever get an odd google image result?

    I was just searching for "pop adam clayton" and this is what one picture was... :huh:
  8. Ashley

    I just found a really great Bono picture!

    and I thought I'd share it with you! Enjoy! Oh, and here's Edge...
  9. Ashley

    help! I need pictures!

    I'm working on a project, and I need some pictures of Ali and some of Larry looking either bored or annoyed. Anybody got some? It would be a huge help to me. Thanks!!
  10. Ashley

    I think it's about time we had another captions thread!

    don't you agree? Caption threads always make my day. :D Larry: "Would you just take the bloody picture already!!" Adam: "I know this blonde isn't natural, thank you very much." Edge: *comparing a rock in his hand* "Yes, I believe what we have here is an indigenous rock....." Bono: "Why is...
  11. Ashley

    (Boom-cha!) Discotheque!

    NEWS FLASH!! I interrupt your regularly scheduled Pleban viewing to bring you this news brief: After careful investigation, I have determined that it is Edge, in fact, and not Larry (like our director commentary suggests) underneath the Go-Go dancer. If you pause it, you will notice, firstly...
  12. Ashley

    wow, I've been gone a LONG time (but I come bearing gifts!!)

    Hey everyone! How have you all been? Wow, so much has changed here! New smileys!! *excited* lol, I doubt many of you remember me since I've been gone since middle August, I believe, but I just wanted to say hey again! HEY!! :wave: Anyway, onto the gifts.... (in honor of change) Adam...
  13. Ashley

    Beanies, beanies, they're good for your heart, the more you see the more you....

    Drool. :) Is it just me, or was there no Freestyling Friday this Friday? I looked (not very hard though) and I could not find one.... :huh: So, I feel that this is extremely necessary....
  14. Ashley

    going over the Edge....

    NEWS UPDATE!! Peter Jennings: This just in! It seems that there has been a scarcity of Edge pictures on the internet drool bucket of PLEBA as of late.... Me: It's true, It's too true!! :sad: By the way, do I have to host this news bulletin with you? I mean, you're not particuarily handsome or...
  15. Ashley

    for Queen Betty

    hehe, is this what you look like? Oh how I love to google.... :yes: Ashley = :coocoo: :crack: :silent: :D
  16. Ashley

    I did a little googling again....

    And look at what comes up under Achtung Baby!! well, first the obvious result... but then it gets more interesting... I found this a bit odd.... And this doesn't make any sense. This was a little scary
  17. Ashley

    New pictures of the band!

    I did a little googling, and here's what I found: Adam Clayton Dave Evans Larry Mullen Bono! :wave: Enjoy! :D
  18. Ashley

    I have a quest/mission for you....are you up for the challenge?

    <insert James Bond music> This is your mission, should you choose to take it: You are to locate the Bono Tongue. :bono: Yes, I said the Bono Tongue. Find the BT, and you will be rewarded with lemons. :lemon: :lemon: :lemon: :D Here is a picture to start you off on the hunt.
  19. Ashley

    Wooha! It's Freestyling Friday!!

    And you know what that means.....
  20. Ashley

    more pictures and captions

    Bono: "If I sit like this, will they still be able to see me?" Mila: "I hope I remembered to wash the back of my neck! person on phone: "You are our lucky caller!! You just won our special collection of Diva Make-up and a free trip to the Naturally Beautiful Salon for a mudbath, manicure, and...
  21. Ashley

    this is for you Adam lovers...

    *edited to say that I'm a bloody moron and accidentally posted the wrong pic the first time :banghead:*
  22. Ashley

    I think it's time we had another group picture thread 'cuz I am making binder covers!

    You see, I am starting school on Monday :( and the only thing that will cheer me up is group pictures of my favourite Irish band. I'm planning on making U2 binder covers, decorating my locker, and plastering anything school related with group pictures of U2. My friends are going to seriously...
  23. Ashley

    Which Bono do you prefer? Yes this is poll, and I demand pictures too....

    lol, this is for you, verte76!!! I believe you requested this? :D
  24. Ashley

    Bring on the Eyes!!!

    That's right ladies, step right up and show us all those lovely 'eye' pictures you have hoarded up on your computers!! I can feel them, crowding up your hardrive, causing your computer to crash, wanting to be FREE!! So let's see 'em! Let's see all those breath-taking pictures of Edge's...
  25. Ashley

    pictures and captions

    Well, I was browsing the internet today for U2 pictures, and came across some interesting shots that I just had to make captions for. So here they are! :) Bono: "Mmmmm.....Larry always smells so nice!!" Bono: "Just watch, I'll fit the whole thing into my mouth!!" Bono: "Give me a U!"...
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