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  1. B

    Mac and CHEEEESE... well... maybe just Mac then.

    *snicker* Mackie darling gives me day passes for ... *ahem* Good Behavior.
  2. B


    Bows down to fishy ... all knowing goddess of photoshop.
  3. B

    Anyone Care To Caption This Picture??

    OMG FISHY!!!! That's so funny... ow ... oww *falls over like scarecrow*
  4. B

    Anyone Care To Caption This Picture??

    Bono: I bow to thee Edge, oh patron saint of all guitar gods, thy holiness gleams more than thy jewel encrusted jeans. Edge: Be still my son.
  5. B

    so Bono really did practise McPhisto early on.

    FISHY! Mac-Shibby!!!??? EXPLAIN!
  6. B

    Mac and CHEEEESE... well... maybe just Mac then.

    Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh. Thanks everyone!!! *hoards all the mackie pics, infuses them with lightening and primordial gases and chemical compounds to bring them to life...* well a girl can dream can't she?
  7. B

    Mac and CHEEEESE... well... maybe just Mac then.

    How to Bust out of a bad mood: by bluey 1. Get Fishy to post the HOT mackie pic of all time. 2. Stare at perfect hairline... 3. Ahh... enlightenment.
  8. B

    Mac and CHEEEESE... well... maybe just Mac then.

    I'm sorry.. I just looked at him again and the MAKEUP.. the HORNS... He's so hot that his hotness is like plasma generated by fusion reactions and cannot be contained by any known metal! *stares at that picture for hours* *prints picture out and puts it above her bed* Mmmmmm... ceiling mackie...
  9. B

    Mac and CHEEEESE... well... maybe just Mac then.

    FISHY AND MACKIE!!!!!! OMG... I LOVE THAT !!!! I'm getting that tattooed on my ARM!! NOT KIDDING! *Faaaaaiiiinttt* Dear... *stutter* *flustered* It's hot in here. *IS SO OUT OF HIBERNATION NOW* Ahhh spring, when a young girl's fancy turns to MacPhisto. Mmmmm.
  10. B

    Mac and CHEEEESE... well... maybe just Mac then.

    WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! *crowd goes wild* *happy dance* *Bluey smiles at Mackie pic and offers screen a drink* Bluey: So... do you come here often? Would you like a martini? Picture: I'm just a picture. Get a life. Bluey: *sigh*
  11. B

    Mac and CHEEEESE... well... maybe just Mac then.

    Ok...*rubs hands together* I'm going to try and post a pic again to see if I am still a TRUE Pleba girl. It's like the sword in the stone really... *drum roll* EVERYONE: Mmmmm.... Larry. *ahem* *crosses fingers, eyes and legs* Oh ... Man... I almost can't hit "submit reply" ... the...
  12. B

    Mac and CHEEEESE... well... maybe just Mac then.

    *Bluey climbs out from behind the golden sofa in the PLEBA mansion.* GOOD GOD! How long have I been sleeping back there? January? Wow. I'll just chalk it up to hibernation. This is still PLEBA right? I'm in the right place? Dear sweet mother of God. Anyway, sorry to anyone who knows who the...
  13. B


    OOOMGGGG... That one Fly PIC. *THUD*
  14. B

    U2 Wish For You...

    I'm getting all vecklempt! Tawlk amongst yourselfs.... Topic: That rocked... discuss
  15. B

    Talk about out of control!

    Awwww Olive.. your site kicks SO much ass. *crosses out the word "whales"* *parades with a "save Olive's site" placard.
  16. B

    Kevin Aucoin dead??

    Man... that made me so sad. I really thought he was a genius and had a great philosophy about makeup being used not to hide behind but to have fun with, to use to express yourself. *sigh* Very sad. He was so sweet.
  17. B

    A Thin Image

    Oh man... DO NOT get me started on this. I studied this in college for years and as a woman have experienced my OWN version of the gnawing insecurity that this sort of media manipulation creates. I did a study once about employment and apperance for women and in a poll I found that most...
  18. B

    As promised...The PICTURES!!!

    WOw... I am SO envious. Now see, I'd only be past envy to JEALOUSY if Bono were wearing horns. THen.. LOOK OUT BABY! Lol... I'm SO glad that happened to you Christy and next time you see him, tell him to whip out the horns for me, k? *hugs* Bluey
  19. B

    Taking request!

    *ahem* *walks up to counter* I would like to order the picture of MacPhisto where he's doing that cute MacPhisto face. I know there are several, but I just really want some cute-Mackie. Where he looks all mischevious like he could just have put motor oil in the Fly's beer. THanks!!! Bluey
  20. B


    For those of you who think I'm crazy, there is a thread about it in EYKIW, but no one parties like PLEBA girls. He's calling for pizza. [This message has been edited by blueeyes (edited 05-08-2002).]
  21. B


    That's right it's Mr. MacPhisto's birthday today and well, you all know how I adore him. So.... *THROWS A PLEBA PARTY FOR MR MACPHISTO* Bring a pic, bring a gift, have a martini!!! ~Bluey ------------------ It's true that every time you hear a bell, an angel gets its wings. But what they...
  22. B

    What are your fears?

    *Cows *tornadoes *truckers *clowns
  23. B

    New PLEBA Moderator

    *Bluey saunters in from Mackie's mansion with a martini* Oh Fishy dear, I just had to come and say hello and congrats on your new job, you'll be wonderful! *looks around* It's so BRIGHT in here... *blinks* Time I was back to somewhere darker and ... with a bar. *air smooches* ~BluePhisto
  24. B

    The Strokes and Gavin Friday.. should I buy their CDs?

    Everyone* in the world: 1) Requires oxygen for respiration. 2) Should buy Shag Tobacco. It's just that fecking GOOD. *Higher vertebrates.
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